"Follow me"

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After dinner I helped Cissy clean up the kitchen

"Cissy..." I said

"Yes dear?" She turned to me

"How do you know the Jacobs?" I asked

"Well..." she hesitated

"They knew about the dark lords wishes...and they contacted me" she turned away

She was lying

I could tell

"Yeah but..."

"Do you care to grab me that last dish in the kitchen dear?" She smiled interrupting me

"Sure" I gave her a weak smile

What were they hiding?

After we finished up cleaning I decided to go to Draco's room to get washed up for bed

I walked down the long dark hallway

I finally made it to the end of the hall and went to grab the handle

It opened up

"Oh sorry Jade..." Mia came out of the room and smirked

"We didn't expect you so soon.." she was fixing her hair, bumping her shoulder into mine and chuckled walking away

My heart sunk

I went down the stairs to find Draco

He came out of the bathroom in a towel

I just stopped and stared at him in anger

"Woah what's wrong" he laughed running his hands through his messy wet hair

I felt my eyes tear up in anger

"Really?" My voice was shaky

"Liv whats wrong" he walked towards me grabbing my hand

He acts as if he didn't know...it's almost like he didn't

"You mean to tell me Mia wasn't just down here?" I pulled my hand away

"Mia? In my room?...please don't tell me you actually think that Olivia? Did she tell you that or something?" He scoffed

"No...I seen her Draco! She came out fixing her hair and clothes...do you honestly think I'm dumb?" I shouted

He stared off...I could tell he was thinking

"Of course" he spat

He went over to his dresser and had his hands propped against it

"Olivia.." he whispered

"Mia has a gift...I should almost say a curse" he scoffed

"She can sense things...and can feel what other people around her feels...through touch of course" he spat

"Did she touch you?" He asked

"No..." I remembered she bumped my shoulder walking out

"Well kind of....but what does that have to do with anything?" I said

"She knew you were coming here...I was in the shower Olivia...you've got to believe me...that's why she walked out when you came...she bumped you to feel if she made an impact on your emotions...that's why the dark lord used her" he said

"Please believe me...I would never...ever...cheat on you liv" he cupped my face and kissed my forehead

I believed him...it was just the thought of Mia that made my blood boil

"I do...it's just...I hate you still talk to her...and that she's even here" I rolled my eyes

"Why is she here? If she works for the dark lord?" I asked

"Well her mom and my mom are friends...they all worked for the dark lord...she knows so much about him they thought she'd be able to help..." he answered

"I want her gone just as much as you Olivia" he said

After our conversation I went to take a shower then got dressed and headed to bed

"Sleep well liv...it's gonna be a long day tomorrow" he kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me
I wasn't sure why but I awoke in the middle of the night

I guess it was a bad dream

I rolled over and noticed a shadow under the stairs

Someone standing there..watching us

All the sudden it came charging towards us

"Draco!!" I jumped back into his arms shoving him to wake him up

"What!!" He jumped up

I threw the blanket over my head

"Olivia..what's wrong?" He laughed pulling the covers off my head

"Someone...was in here" my breath was short

"Olivia no one is here...you're safe...I promise" he wrapped his arms around me rubbing circles across my back

I was shaking

I was terrified

Someone was in here

"Here..lay down...you're okay" he pulled the covers over my body and intertwined our fingers

We both fell back to sleep
It must have been a few minutes after I fell asleep because I suddenly felt a hand over my mouth

I woke straight up looking to see who it was


He put a finger over his mouth making sure I stayed quiet

"Follow me" he mouthed

Holding out his hand

I got up placing my hand in his

Being very careful not to wake up draco

I shut the door carefully

"What do you want?" I whispered

"I have to tell you the truth Olivia...about everything" he looked into my eyes

"I haven't been able to sleep or anything" he said

"What truth?" I asked

"Let's go somewhere else"  he grabbed my hand leading me somewhere

He dragged me outside on the balcony

"Finn this doesn't look good.." I said

"I'm not trying to sleep with you bug...I just have to tell you away from everyone" he laughed

"What?" I chuckled

He gulped

"There's something you don't know about us and the malfoy's" he said
Authors note:

Sorry this one was kinda short:(

I know the next one will be pretty lengthy so I didn't want to combine them both lol

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