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(Play song for the whole chapter)

Draco's POV:

Where is she?

It's been 30 minutes and she said she had to run to the bathroom

I knew she went to look for Jacobs

It made my blood boil



I looked up

"Sorry" I nervously chuckled

"Where's Olivia?" Ginny asked

"She said she had to run to the restroom...I think she went to look for Jacobs" I scoffed

"Finn?" Kade asked

I nodded

"He already left..." Henry interrupted

"What?" I stood up

"Yeah...we didn't want Olivia to know because she'd freak out...but he left yesterday to go back to hogwarts...professor dumbledore sent a letter for him to return early" Kade looked confused

All the sudden I felt ill

"Malfoy whats wrong?" Henry stood up and came towards me

"He looks as if he's about to pass out" Ron responded

"Dumbledore isn't at hogwarts..." I stuttered

"Wait what?" Kade jumped up

"Dumbledore told me he was leaving to attend business and he wouldn't return specifically until break was over." I slammed my fist on the table

The whole room became silent

"Meaning?" Hermione asked

"Whoever called for Jacobs..."

"Wasn't Dumbledore..." Kade finished staring blankly at the table and tears filled her eyes

"Everyone search the manor! Olivia couldn't have gone far!" I shouted

Everyone stood up from the table and spaced out and searched the manor

My chest felt so heavy

This was my fault...I should have never let her leave
We searched forever

Through all of the rooms

Some of us even went outside

"I found her!" I heard someone yell from upstairs

Once my nerves felt easy again

The yell was followed by a scream

I ran as fast as my body would allow me to

I came to the edge of her room

Olivia was lifeless in the floor

I ran to her side

I seen a small bottle laying next to her...looked like perfume almost

"She looks like she was cursed Draco" Kade looked up at me

"Stay with me Olivia...please" my voice trembled

I seen Kade grab her wrist

She looked back up at me

Her eyes filled with tears

"I'm...I'm sorry draco" she grabbed my hand

"No! No! She's fine!" I shouted
Kade's POV

I felt her pulse...there was nothing

She was cold to the touch

"I'm....I'm sorry draco" I said to him

"No! No! She's fine!" He yelled

His voice sent chilled down my spine

The sound of desperation

"Please....no...she has to be" he said softly hanging on to any hope she could be alive

My heart broke for him

The love in his eyes completely shattering at the sight of her cold feeble body
Narrators POV

As the rest of the group gathered around by the door

The sound of sobbing and screaming filled the manor

Draco stared blankly at her body he wanted to scream

He wanted to cry

But nothing came out

His mind couldn't fathom life without Olivia...therefore his body couldn't fathom she was dead

As her friends held each other crying hoping it was all just a dream...it wasn't...the sweet, selfless, and friendly girl they all hoped was immoral...was lying on the cold floor...lifeless
Draco's POV

I couldn't feel anything...just numb

"Mate...I'm so sorry" I felt a hand on my shoulder

I turned around to see Blaise

I grabbed him and hugged him

Tears fell slowly down my face

I closed my eyes and just stood there hugging him

Hoping to feel something...anything

When we pulled away

His eyes were red and puffy

He wiped his tears away fast before anyone could see

I looked over at the door and seen everyone hugging and crying even my mum was there....and Blaise walked over and joined 

I felt left out...not that I wanted to feel sympathy...but I knew I would never feel again

They had comfort and people to turn too...

I just had her.

She was my last and final ounce of joy...

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