"Liv please no"

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Dracos pov

I woke up because the bloody sun was blinding me

I slept better than I had in forever last night

I rolled over to look at her

She was facing me already

The sun made it look as if her light beige skin was sparkling

Her hair laid messily but just perfectly around her

Her lips looked so soft...I'd kiss her if I knew it wouldn't wake her

She looked so peaceful...so relaxed

I gently grabbed her body to pull her closer to me

She was cold...almost as ice

I held her close to my chest

She didn't move...

"Olivia?" I pulled her back looking to see if she would wake

"Olivia?" I started to get worried

Why isn't she answering?

"Olivia..wake up!" I shouted

"Liv please no" I whispered

"No I need you please" I felt my eyes start to sting and my heart started beating out of my chest

I started to shake her to see if she'd wake

I laid her flat down and pressed my head against her chest to see if I could feel her heart

It was very faint...barely beating

I began to panic

I jumped out of bed and ran straight to pansy's room...she'd know what to do
Pansy's POV

I heard a loud knock at my door

I thought someone was trying to kill me.

But I heard Draco's voice

"Pansy please!!! Open!! I need your help!!" He sounded hysterical

I jumped up and opened the door

He looked awful...his eyes were blood shot and filled with tears

"Draco? What happened? What's wrong? You're scaring me" I said grabbing his shoulders to calm him

"Please....it's...it's...Olivia" he was out of breath in a panic

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his room

When I ran in, I seen her laying flat on his bed...she looked lifeless

I grabbed her wrist to check her pulse...

I could barely feel it

"Draco okay, calm down...just help me get her to the infirmary" I was scared of what had happened To her

He didn't even need my help he scooped her up and took off
Authors note...

Not me crying..

Don't hate me

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