"Made me sick"

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"Draco" I kept whispering

I thought he might be over at the tables studying so I walked towards the other end of the library.


I'll just check down the aisles

I heard some whispering coming from the fifth aisle so I listened to see if it was him.

I heard his voice...his deeply toned voice.

I peeked around to see who he was talking to

And There he was.

But the sight of him leaning towards Pansy Parkinson and his arms stretched out on the shelf behind her, enclosing her in between them...

It Made me sick

He was whispering in her ear and they'd both laugh.

It got worse when she raised up and kissed him on the cheek.

With that...I ran out.

It was embarrassing to think he actually was upset from what I did and what I thought about him...or if he even cared about me at all
"Well how'd it go?" Ginny said

They were all huddled in the common room awaiting my arrival, along with some of our other friends who usually hang out in the common room in the evening.

"Um...I think I should just give him some time...I'm not even sure...I care anymore" it was hard letting that out and I was probably lying but it didn't matter because Draco didn't care so I needed to learn to do the same.

"I'm sorry Olivia...it'll all work out, I swear and if not we'll find you someone better" Hermione hugged me

"That shouldn't take much" Ron scoffed to Harry and they laughed

Ginny smacked them both

"Well what do you say we cheer Jade up by a little friendly game night?" George winked

"George...that's a great idea" Fred put his hand on George's shoulder

"Yes! That is well needed right now...thank you guys" I laughed


This is just a filler the next chapter will be longer in more detail:))

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