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Olivia's POV:

I'm not sure how long it's been

There's no windows in this dark cell

I just want to be home..

"Good morning sunshine" I heard a voice echo from the hall

My heart sunk every time I heard his voice

He opened the door

"I've got you a room upstairs, I trust it'll be better than down here" he smirks

He came over and unchained me from the wall

He grabbed my hands and pulled me up

My body was so weak and fragile I hadn't really ate anything or moved much

"Keep your head down...I don't want anything to happen to you" he whispered as we began to walk upstairs

He placed his arm around my waist helping me walk

Why did he almost seem...nice...in this moment

I knew it wouldn't last long

We finally reach a room

He opens the door

"This is my room...I have a couch in here...of course you're going to be the one to sleep on it" he scoffed

I sat down on the couch

It was so soft compared to the cold hard ground

"Thank you" I hesitated

He turned around

I could tell that fact I thanked him for putting me on a couch threw him off

He just shook his head and turned back around

"Here's some clothes...they belonged to my mother" he threw some clothes towards me

He was facing the opposite direction changing so I thought I'd get changed myself

I felt him come up behind me

I shuddered at the thought of him touching me

I hurried up and finished changing before he got any closer

"How long have I been here Riddle?" I spat

"Excuse me?" He grabbed my wrist and spun me around

"I give you a room to stay in and a couch to sleep and this is how you repay me? With that cocky attitude?" He shouted

I closed my eyes and asked again

"How long have I been here Jaxon?" I took a deep breath

"About two weeks I guess" he answered

"Two weeks!" I shouted

I could tell anger flooded his face when I said that

"Yes! Is that a problem?" He snapped

"Yes it is! Don't you think I have a life? I have people at home who care about me! Can't you tell I don't want to be here! I don't want you!" I shoved him

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