"Or longer..."

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(Start listening to this song when it reaches the picture in the story!!)

He put his hand on my back and walked me through the Slytherin common room and towards his room.

He opened the door...wow...I'm not sure what I was expecting...but it wasn't this

He had a whole room to himself.

The walls were so dark...almost black

The bed was centered in his room up against the wall. It had long dark green drapes dragging on the floor.

The window was huge and had a perfect view of the land Hogwarts had to offer.

The moon light from the window made everything sparkle almost.

Everything was a mixture of black and Slytherin green.

I'm not a Slytherin but this room...I wanted to be here every night.

"Here wear these until you warm up a bit" he said throwing me one of his Slytherin sweatshirts

Along with some black sweat pants.

"Wow...your room...it's beautiful, Draco" I said still amazed

"Thanks..I take it you have a roommate" he scoffed

"I thought everyone did" I rolled my eyes

"You can use my bathroom to change if you want"

"You have a bathroom to yourself too?" My mouth hit the floor.

"Yeah" he chuckled walking away

I walked in and changed...his bathroom was even beautiful

His clothes were a little big...but I didn't mind

"How do I look?" I posed

"Like an idiot" he laughed throwing a pillow at me

I sat down on his bed covered up, I was still freezing.

The room went silent..we were stuck in our own thoughts.

"Come sit" I said tapping the spot next to me

"I don't know liv" he looked down

"Cmon draco i'm not trying to seduce you...I just wanna talk" I laughed

He walked over to set next to me.

We set in silence for a little longer

I got out my earphones and put them in..I handed him one too

He just rolled his eyes and put it in his ear.

He just rolled his eyes and put it in his ear

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"What made you call me liv?"

"Um...I'm not sure...I guess it just came out one day and now it's stuck...I wouldn't complain...it's not the worst nickname you could have" he scoffed

"Yeah I guess so"

"Why do you ask?" I seen him look over to me

"...my grandpa, he use to call me liv all the time. And the night he passed..." My eyes started to water

"I'm sorry I asked....you don't have to finish if you don't want"

"No I want you to know. He always called me that and...I watched him get murdered. I never wanted to hear it again...until you you said it" I looked over at him and he was already looking.

A single tear fell down my face

"I'm sorry...I won't say it again...I just had no idea..you nev-"

I kissed him.

Only way to get him to shut up...

But I needed to kiss him...

"You didn't let me finish. I want you to call me that, after that night in detention when you said that silly name; That's why i started to cry and I guess that's why I kissed you." I laughed

I could tell he didn't know what to say...

"Now I've never told a soul about that draco...so tell anyone and you're dead" I smacked him

"Okay...okay I won't tell a soul" he said sarcastically

"Tell me something about you"

"Hm...I don't know liv" he shook his head

"Cmon draco...I just told you something I hadn't even told my friends...there's gotta be something" I teased

"Well...when I was a kid, my father would make me do things...unspeakable things...I can't even say...you'd hate me for sure...I never wanted to do them of course but he was my father..." he took a deep breath before continuing.

We set in silence for awhile.

"He beats my mother ...even now...I always try and stop him and he just takes it all out on me....I'd rather him take it out on me than mum...she protected me from it while I was a kid...but now...she can't and I owe her my life" his eyes became glassy

"Draco, I'm so sorry..I can't imagine. I had no idea you just seem so..."

"Rude? Spoiled? Slimeball? Yeah I've heard it all...I don't blame anyone...this is just how I am..." he scoffed

I didn't know what to say

I just laid my head on his chest

He wrapped his arms around me and just held me.

We stay like that for awhile. I knew he was broken. I knew there was a reason he was the way he was.

I'm getting closer. He would've never opened up like that if he didn't like me just a little bit.

"Will you stay?" Draco whispered under his breath.

I looked up at him cupped his cheek wiping away a single tear.

"How ever long you need me too" I gave him a soft smile

He returned the favor

"So forever?" He joked

"Or longer..." I chuckled and snuggled up to him

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