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Olivia's POV:

Today marks one year since Draco's death.

I've still not fully come to terms with it. I have my good days and bad days. It seems to have taken a toll on pretty much everyone. Blaise, Henry, and Finn left to protect Hogwarts, rumors of war has spread through the wizarding world for a few months now...that's what Kade told me, after Draco passed I never left my room so I didn't notice they were gone. My heart breaks mostly for Cissy, all she had was Draco...her only source of happiness, I haven't seen her laugh in so long.

Lucius had gotten captured by the ministry of magic 6 months ago, it's not like he cared Draco was gone anyway.

For the first few months I stayed in my room reading Draco's notebook along looking through his drawings...he would kill me if he was here, he hated when anyone bothered his things. Out of his entire notebook, there was one page that seemed to be ripped out. Part of me wonders if he messed up or if he had it hidden away.

I ran my finger gently down the jagged edge of ripped page.

"Where are you?"
Draco's POV:

"One day liv, I promise"

I sat on the floor next to my bed

I held the picture running my fingers down the rough edges, looking at it a few seconds more.

I held the picture running my fingers down the rough edges, looking at it a few seconds more

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"Our future"

"Whatcha looking at mate?" Blaise walked into my room

"Nothing, just some old pictures" I lied as I put the drawing in my bag

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting down beside me on the floor

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said stiffly

"You know...it's okay to feel something besides anger and hate" he chuckled

"I know, I guess I just feel numb more than anything" I joked

He nodded softly

"She's doing okay, I talked to Harry this morning" he assured me

"Is she eating?"

"Yes, she's starting to gain weight back too" he smiled

"Really?" A smile came to my face as well, I'm so glad she's starting to become herself again.

"He said they even got her to have a game night a few weeks ago as well as mumsy"

"Wow, that's so good to hear...I can't thank you enough for taking care of them mate" I beamed

"It wasn't just me, everyone had a hand on it" he laughed

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