"Just the two of us"

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"Wait what?" I said

I heard the door opened behind us

"Olivia what are you doing out here?" Draco said

His eyes lit up in anger when Finn turned around

"Jacobs? Are you kidding me?" He scoffed

"I have to tell her malfoy...I can't help it" he walked towards him

"We're supposed to wait! You know that! Draco shouted

"Draco calm down...I need to know" I grabbed his hand

It took him a bit but he slowly looked down at me

"She deserves to know" Finn said

"I do draco" I gave him a soft smile

"Fine..." he said softly

I could tell he didn't want too

"When we were kids and your grandfather was murdered, the guys who did it..." Finn stopped

He took a deep breath and looked down

"It was our fathers Olivia..." Draco interrupted

"Wait what?" I pulled my hand away from him

"I didn't know until a few weeks ago..." Draco said

"My dad didn't kill him...he was forced to assist Lucius..." he said

"But...I would've known if it was him...I...I can't remember...I don't remember" I stuttered

"That's another thing...my father couldn't stand knowing you had to watch your grandfather die..he knew you were watching...so he casted an obliviation
spell that made you forget certain things...now that you're getting older, it's hard to keep anything from you...." Finn said

My heart was so heavy..I didn't blame them...they can't be held accountable for something their fathers did...and even then I knew how good of a person Charlie Jacobs was...he was forced...but I knew how much of a pig Lucius malfoy is.

"That's why you didn't remember...how you knew me..." Draco said

"What?" I said

"Our families we're friends Olivia...we were friends when we were younger...we spent our childhood together..along with Finn...when Charlie casted the spell...he told my father it would be best to stay away from your family so they wouldn't find out...Charlie was actually protecting you from my father" Draco said

"But we met at Hogwarts?" I said

"Yeah...but that's why you think that...because of the spell.." Draco answered

I can't imagine how he's felt all these years...I feel worse for him than I do myself...

"Draco I'm ...I'm so sorry" I felt a tear fall down my face

"For what? You were the one who had to forget about me" he chuckled then cupped my face and wiped the tear away

I chuckled

My heart was still heavy...this was crazy...I wish I could remember our times together...

"So how did your families meet?" I said

"Our fathers..." Draco looked to Finn

"...Were brothers" Finn interrupted

"You guys are cousins?" My mouth shot opened

They were first cousins...that's why cissy and Kade were so happy to see each other...everything was starting to come together

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