"for granted"

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The next morning:

"Get up!" I heard Draco yelling

"What?" I groaned

"Your friends are coming today...we have to get ready" he threw a pillow at me

"Ughh" I said getting up

"Wear something warm...I have a surprise" he winked before walking into the bathroom

Hm he never wants to wake up early...he's so silly

I laughed to myself

I grabbed some jeans from the dresser and a black sweater from the closet

I also grabbed some gloves from my bag

Draco came out of the bathroom in a dark suit and a long black coat

"Ready?" He smiled

"Sure" I said...i was very suspicious about what was going on

"First you need this" he pulled a blindfold out of his pocket tying it around me

"What is this for?" I giggled

"You'll see" he grabbed my hand leading me up the stairs

We walked down the hall and after that I had no idea where we were going

I heard a door open and a sudden breeze of cold air went down my spine

And he pulled me outside

We walked for what seemed like forever

"Okay! We're here!" He walked behind me untying the blindfold

"Okay! We're here!" He walked behind me untying the blindfold

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"Oh  my goodness Draco! It's beautiful!" I said

It also looked oddly familiar

"Do you remember?" He grabbed my hand looking out at the fields

"It's so...familiar...like I've been here" I looked up at him

"You have...we have... a lot actually" he said

He pulled out a large blanket and laid it on the ground

We both sat down

He pulled me in between his legs hugging me from behind

"Tell me about it please, I want to remember" I said

"Well....Your family use to come to the manor for meetings or dinners and you and I would come out here and run through the fields and catch butterflies in a little mason jar and later that night we'd sneak out of the house and come right back here and let them go, watching them fly away, wondering where they'd go after we released them...you also loved watching the night sky...I wasn't sure why...I'm still not sure actually" he chuckled looking down fiddling with his rings

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