"You've got to be kidding me"

667 26 15

We finally reached the manor

"Finally! I've been looking everywhere for you two!" Cissy opened the door

"Sorry mum...I just took Olivia for a walk" Draco said

"Ah it's okay dear...we just have to make sure everything is in order...everyone is almost here" she chuckled

We walked in and awaited the arrival of my friends

I knew Draco wasn't looking forward to spending two weeks with them...and they dread being here with him as well

I'm determined to make the most out of this time and maybe...we can all become friends... I hope

Just then there was a knock at the door

I opened it

"Olivia!" Hermione dropped her bags and hugged me

"It's only been a few weeks since I seen you, but it feels like forever!" She laughed

"I know, it's drove me crazy not being with you guys" I laughed

See looked behind to see Draco and Blaise standing and talking

"I feel bad you've had to be here..." she chuckled

All the sudden Mia came down the stairs darting her eyes at Draco

She walks over to the two boys and begins I whisper in Draco's ear

My heart started to race and I felt the hairs on my arms stand up

"Who is that?" Hermione asked

I turned back to face hermione

"Mia...I'm not really sure just yet who she is, all I know is she use to date draco..but I have a bad feeling" I told her

"Well looks like Draco and Mia are fond of each other" hermione was looking directly behind me

I turn around to see her and Draco's hands intertwined as she pulls him down the hallway

He was smiling

My heart sank

Of course he does this...why would I think Draco malfoy could have a heart

I knew something was going on between them

Blaise came walking towards us

"Can I take your bags and show you your room?" He asked hermione

"Sure!" She looked at me and winked

I have her a soft smile as they began to walk away

"Blaise..." I pulled his arm back

"Hm?" He turned to face me

"Where did Draco go?" I asked him firmly

"Uh..." he stuttered

"Blaise tell me" I spat

"I'm not sure..Mia just grabbed his hand and left..I'm not sure why...I would tell you if I did I swear" he said

I could tell he was being truthful

"He would never purposely hurt you Olivia....Draco is many things..." he laughed

"but he would never break you..." he gave me a soft smiled before leaving with hermione and her bags

All the sudden there was another knock

I opened the door to see four red heads staring back at me

Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George

A smile came to my face

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