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I woke up and Draco was gone

I heard someone in the bathroom

I got up and sat on the edge of the bed

The bathroom door opened

"Blaise?" I said in shock

"Oh hey Olivia...I didn't think you'd be up this early" he chuckled nervously

"Where's Draco?" I asked

"He went to go help your friends pack up your clothes...he wanted me to stay and make sure you were safe" he was very awkward about being here I could tell

"Oh okay" I chuckled

We stood there in silence

"So you're joining us from Christmas as well?" I asked

"Yeah...I usually join the malfoy every year...my parents aren't around that much" he said

"Oh..yeah mines the same way...especially now I'm sure I won't see them again" I smirked

He looked serious

"It's okay you can laugh...it was a joke" I laughed

"Oh okay...sorry...I wasn't sure if it was a touchy Subject" he chuckled

"Well of course its a serious thing but..."

"You find the good in stuff...yeah Draco told me" he laughed

"He talks about me?" I cocked my eyebrow and smirked

"Oh my goodness all the time.." he laughed

He immediately covered his mouth

"Don't ever tell him I said that...he wants people to think he's emotionless...which he was for the longest time...until he met you....thank you for that...I truly think you saved him.." he smiled

"He saved me as well..." I smiled

"I didn't expect you to be so...talkative " I laughed

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" He chuckled

"A good thing of course...I mean we had exchanged words a few times but I didn't know you we're actually pretty chill" I patted his shoulder and smiled

"Same to you actually" he fiddled with his rings and smirked

"Are you two going to sit and flirt all day or can we bloody leave already?"

Draco was standing at the door. He looked completely annoyed

"Uh yeah sorry mate" Blaise chuckled walking passed draco patting his arm

"Let's go" I flashed a weak smile

I walked passed draco and he grabbed my arm pulling me back

"I suggest you cut the attitude Jade" he spat

"Or what?" I snapped then pulled my arm out of his grasp and walked off

I heard him sigh loudly

I walked faster so I could make it on the train before him

I ran right into someone....


Of course

This is why we were arguing in the first place

"Oh slow down mrs. Jade...in a bit of a rush are we?" He laughed

"Sorry George...I didn't even see you there" I laughed

I felt Draco press up behind me...his hand firmly on my waist

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