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The beautiful brunette walked over and wrapped Draco in her arms

"How have you been" she cocked her eyebrow

"I'm...I'm...excellent...what about yourself?" He stuttered

I stood there awkwardly

Are you kidding me right now? He acts like he's never talked to a girl before

My blood was boiling

It hurt my heart to watch him melt into her

Who was she?

"Oh and who is this?" She looked me up and down

"Oh...this is Jade" Draco said

I looked up and him

He could tell what he said hurt me

"Sorry I'd love to get to know you...but I must go" I start to walk away trying to fight tears until I got downstairs

"Without say hi to me first bug?" I heard a voice drawing closer to us

Bug? I remember this name.

My heart felt warm when I heard it

I turned around to see who it was

"Finn!!" I ran up and hugged him

Finn Lee Jacobs.

We were really close when we were little. He was my best friend. He would always hang out with my grandfather and I

Of course we got older and separated

He was raised in a slytherin family as well.

He was always the sweetest soul

But as he got older his father had too much pressure pushed on him...he started to act like his father.

He wrapped his arms around me

"How are you bug?" He smiled

"I'm great! Oh my goodness it's been so long..you're so...old" I laughed

"I can say the same to you....you look stunning" his cheeks turned a bit red

"Well...thank you" I smirked

He seemed different...he wasn't as smiley and happy as he was when we were kids...he smiled...it just wasn't the same....I understand though

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I'm here for you silly" he chuckled

"Narcissa told me you've been having your attacks again...I'm sorry I haven't been here" he grabbed a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear

"It's okay" I gave him a weak smile

"just twice...no worries...I'm okay" I grabbed his hand
Draco's POV

Who was that boy she was talking to?

How did they know each other?

I've seen him around...when my father and mother attended to business meetings.

The way he looked at her...I could tell lust was in his eyes...he wanted her

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