"the only option"

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When Ginny and I arrived at the quidditch field...the arena was packed with students.

This was one of the final games, next would be the finals against Gryffindor.

"Olivia!" I turned to see Cedric waving from a distance

I waved back smiling

"Keep that up...draco hates it j" Ginny whispered

"Hates Cedric?" I questioned

"Yeah pansy said all he does is talk about how he hates Cedric..she doesn't know why but...it seems obvious now" she laughed

We go up to find a seat...we sat in Hufflepuff section. Even though we didn't want to sit in either house...Ginny said if her brothers caught her in the Slytherin section, they'd kill her.

I was looking around the field when my eyes caught him...

In his sweaty emerald green uniform and His messy platinum hair. I could tell they had practiced before the tournament.

He was looking at the middle of the field with no emotion. He looked exhausted.

He glanced up and his eyes wondered the crowd.

Who was he looking for?

His eyes met mine

I smiled.

Just as a greeting.

He smiled back...but it was small if I would've blinked...I wouldn't have seen it.

I seen him looked at his team and they started to talk. The tournament was about to start.
"Wow. Draco is doing great tonight!" Ginny whispered to me.

He really was. He scored 30 points for Slytherin within the first 10 minutes.

Hufflepuff started to catch up.

We were cheering for both teams. It didn't matter who won at this point.

We did get a couple stares from the Hufflepuff section though.
"SLYTHERIN WINS!!!" They all jumped up and a loud roar of cheers came from the Slytherin section.

Ginny and I cheered as well.

I ran down to the field...who do I go to?

Ginny knew I was struggling.

"Comfort or congratulate? That's tough" she said

" I know I can't decide Ginny" I frowned


"looks like someone made the choice for you" she cocked her eyebrow.

I turned to see Cedric...he gave me a weak smile. I went and gave him a hug

"Sorry about the tournament Ced...you'll get Em next time" I squeezed him a little tighter

"Yeah you're right....this helps" he hugs me back

"So the team is staying  after to practice more...is it cool if I call a rain check to hang out?" Cedric asked

"Oh sure....sounds good"

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