"It worked"

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"Can you hear me?"

"I think it worked mate..."

The loud ringing in my ears caused my head to feel as if it was spinning

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light as they opened

"I'm not sure how we managed to pull that off malfoy...but we did it" I heard a faint laugh

A tall shadow hovered over my body blocking the sun from my eyes

"Jacobs?" My voice came out raspy and cold

"Yeah mate, it's me..." he chuckled reaching his hand out to pull me up

"Pretty isn't it?" He chuckled softly

My eyes were fully opened and we were in an a large field surrounded by mountains and trees...that was the plan

"It worked?" I mumbled

"Yeah, it worked...Olivia is gonna be safe now" he reassured me

My cold body felt warm again...warmer than it's been in awhile

"I knew it was gonna work and now look at us Malfoy...we saved her, now if we're being honest...I thought for sure we'd both die when-"

I heard Finn talking but it was so faint and the happiness that filled me when I knew we saved her from a dark fate was overwhelming

"So what now?" Finn came and sat down next to me on the grass

I took a long deep breath

"Let's find out where we are first" I laughed
Authors note:

Sorry not sorry😉

You guys are not ready for this🤣

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