"The deal is off"

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Olivia's pov

It was time for us to get up...even if I didn't want too. This is how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. In the arms of Draco Malfoy.

Wow I lost Ron's bet...bad

"Cmon we have to get to class" I looked up at him

"We could just skip class" he smirked

"I wish we could stay here as well...but if we're late everyone will know I stayed with you last night" I laughed

"So what if everyone knows liv...do you regret it that much already? I was thinking we wouldn't hate each other....until lunch" he raised up cocking his eyebrow at me

"Shut up" I threw a pillow at him

"Well why are you leaving so soon?" He groaned

"I'm sorry but I have to go get clothes. And I have to make sure Hermione doesn't know I was gone last night "

"Fine" he sighed laying face first on his pillows

"Oh sorry...I forgot" I started to give him his clothes

"No...keep them for now, it'll give you a reason to come back"

"And if you start taking your clothes off here...well let's just say we'll really be late" he teased

"Such a gentleman" I scoffed opening the door

"Wait" he stopped me


"Wash the clothes...I'll never wear clothes worn by a gryffindor" he looked serious then a smirk grew on his face

"We'll see" I cocked my eyebrow

I shut the door and walked back to the common room.
I made it back to my dorm and the door was already unlocked.

Please don't let Hermione be in here...

I walk in and the room was empty so I grabbed my uniform and robe, immediately changing.

"Oh hey! Where were you this morning Olivia?" Hermione walked in

"Oh I remembered I left my robe in the great hall...I wanted to get it before breakfast"

"Oh...well we better go ahead...I think Ron and Harry is waiting on us"
We walked into the great hall, meeting up with everyone.

"Ginny come with me please..." I motioned my head for her to follow me

"Yeah sure j" she responded

We walked over to one of the corners of the great hall

"Is everything okay?" She asked

"I stayed with Draco last night" I whispered

"MALFOY??" I immediately covered her mouth

Luckily no one heard her

"Yes.." I sighed

"What? How did it go?"

"It wasn't bad actually, we talked forever...even about personal things...I think I'm finally getting through to him"

"J, this is huge! I'm so happy for you...I noticed you seemed really happy this morning...I can't believe he actually talked too you though."

"Please don't say anything, I don't want them to know...not until I can get the nerve to tell them...they'd hate me" I told her

"Yeah of course" she smiled

We walked back to the table

"So guys I was thinking game night tonight in the common room?" Hermione asked

"Yes!! Of course!" Ginny agreed

"Sounds fun" Ron stuffed a spoon full of oatmeal in his mouth.

"Yeah...I'll be there" Harry smiled

"yes that's sounds perfect...I feel like we haven't got to hang out in forever!" I chuckled

"Yeah where have you been Olivia? I feel like we never see you?" Harry said

"Ah you know...different things" I laughed

"Still keeping up with the bet...operation 'make Malfoy fall in love then tear him apart' that's what I like to call it anyway" Ron laughed

Harry and Hermione laughed too

I seen Gin's mouth open and her eyes grew wide

"J...turn around.."

"What?" I turned

Draco was standing right behind us...he knew

he heard everything

"Draco please....this isn't.....I promise-"

He looked at me blankly...my heart shattered...

He turned and walked out...

The scary part was he didn't seem mad and he didn't say one word

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The scary part was he didn't seem mad and he didn't say one word... I broke him...even more

"Wow you did it Olivia...I'm surprised...he looked crushed" Ron laughed along with Harry and Hermione.

"You're joking right now?" I had never been so upset at them

"Olivia...what's the big deal?" Hermione and  everyone was looking confused.

"What's the big deal? You guys claim to be so 'good' and much better than the Slytherin's...but don't you get what you just did? you made me break someone. Someone who didn't deserve to be broken...you have no idea what he's been through....what I've been through...The deal is off!!" My eyes watered in anger.

They just looked at me shocked

"Don't worry...I'll talk to them...you go...talk to him...fix this j" Ginny gave me a soft smile

I got up and ran out to find him...I needed to find him...I needed to fix this.

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