"without her.."

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(TW: this chapter does mention Suicide...if this bothers you please skip the chapter🖤)

Draco POV:

I don't know why I do the things I do, I guess that's just how I'm wired.

It was getting late so I just went back to my room

I think I'll skip dinner tonight...

The thought of seeing Olivia again, kills me. I don't know how to feel, I can't stand the girl...but I also can't stand to be away from her.

I get this knot in my stomach and I don't know if I wanna puke or just run up and kiss her.

I grabbed my bottle of firewhiskey from my dresser and poured myself a small glass.

This is how my nights went for the last two months

The day in the great hall...I heard how Olivia used me as a bet to Weasley and the rest of the trashy trio. It didn't bother me that she did it, I guess I had never picture her to be that way.

I try and deny she broke a little more of me that day.

I'm not sure about anything anymore

I guess without her...I have nothing...I am nothing
Olivia's POV

I met Hermione and Ginny on my way to the great hall. I was gonna tell them what happened with Draco, I just didn't know how.

"Jade" I heard a whisper behind me

I turned around and I didn't expect to see Pansy out of all people calling for me

"Um..Pansy?" I was confused

"Hi Olivia...I know we don't talk...but I had a favor to ask?" She smiled weakly

"Um sure?"

"I'm worried about Draco..." she was barely making eye contact

"what do you want me to do about it?" I scoffed

"I'm sorry I can't really go into details...but I know about you two...a few months ago"

"He told you?" I asked

I didn't expect him to be the type to mention a fling especially to his friends

"Um..yeah...I hope you don't care. I had never seen him light up the way he did after he had met you. One day he came back from detention, and he was smiling...I mean genuinely smiling...and if you know Draco like I think you do...that's not normal" she chuckled

"Pansy...I'm not sure what's going on with Draco, we haven't talked in awhile so I'm not sure if I can help....it's kind've complicated"

"The bet?" She scoffed crossing her arms

"He told you that too?"

"He tells Blaise and I pretty much everything" she chuckled

"I thought you guys had something going on?"

"Draco and I?" She laughed

"Ah I wish he looked at me the way he looks at you Olivia...I've known him since we were kids...he's never looked at anyone that way.." she pulled me to the side so no one could hear us

"Listen...Draco is a complicated person. I mean of course someone would be...think about everything the kid has been through..I've never seen him like he's been the last few months Olivia. I've never worried about him like this. I'm scared he might try to hurt himself. He needs someone...we've all tried. The way he's talked about you...I have a feeling you need him too...but if not, I won't waste my time with you"

I really do care about Draco

I just didn't think he wanted me around...that's why I never made an effort to talk or be around him

"Yeah of course I'll help" I smiled faintly

I guess you should never judge a book by it's cover...that goes for Pansy and Draco.

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