"It's complicated"

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One week after Draco's death:

Olivia's pov:

After that night when everyone heard the noises outside and found Draco's body the ministry of magic was immediately called upon

Finn was the one who got them there, he used the polyjuice potion to break into the ministry and gather an army pretty much.

Jaxon was sentenced to death in Azkaban.

As for means everyone else...I've stayed with Narcissa at the manor

I intend on living here.

everyone has been staying with us and now that Finn was back, that made things seem a little better.

I don't think I'll ever feel normal again, it's hard to enjoy anything without Draco here with me

It seems everything reminds me of him anymore

It seemed even the sun couldn't shine as bright as it use to when he was here.

He always felt himself as unworthy, I wish he only knew how much he meant to everyone. There's a void...I void that will never be filled.

I laid in my room most days staring at the ceiling, hoping this pain would subside

I heard a knock at the door

"Come in" I said as I sat up

"Hey Olivia" Ginny said softly walking into the room

"Hey Gin" I smiled

"I was going to give you this sooner, I'm sorry" she said handing me a small leather book

"What's this?" I softly chuckled

"I'm not sure...Draco gave it to me and told me to give it to you just in case something were to happen" a tear fell down her cheek

She wiped it away quickly

"What?" I grabbed it

"He wouldn't let me read it" she chuckled

"That sounds like him" I rolled my eyes

my voice was shaky, I was trying not to cry

"Thank you Ginny, it's so sweet he could trust you" I hugged her

"I'm glad I had the honor to get to know him better Olivia, he truly was a kind soul" she wiped another tear away

"I'll leave you to read it" she got in and walked out

The cover was a dark brown color, it was made of leather and had a belt holding it closed

I took a deep breath and opened to the first page

"Hi Liv,

If you're reading this, I suppose something has happened. Before you even start, no this isn't going to be a sappy goodbye note...well not really"

I let out a soft chuckle as tears streamed down my face

"I guess I want to start off thanking you, you made this world so much brighter, you will never understand how much you mean me and to this group of people you have right now. The day I thought you died, I felt a piece of me died with you. I'm sure that's how you feel right now. Please don't waste your beautiful tears on me, dear. I died a happy man because of you. If anything you should be happy as well, I won't be able to drive you crazy. I always said you'd be the death of me, well look at us now...I guess I should've held onto those words"

How could he have been so sarcastic writing this, I will never understand draco malfoy and his witty attitude

I chuckled to myself once more

"When we first met you made a bet with Weasley, I'm not gonna lie to you when I say you did have me head over heels for you. The thought of that bet drove me insane for the longest time, not that you had bet on my love...but that I had never felt worthy of you in the first place. It was a silly bet and it's far behind us now, I guess I'm somewhat thankful for it.

I want you to make the most of your life Olivia, I want you to go out and live every ounce of this life...you never know how long you have left..take care of your friends they love you so much, I guess they weren't as bad as I thought (don't tell them I said that) and lastly take care of mumsy and Blaise. They were the only two people (besides you of course) who made me realize the world wasn't just darkness and I know now that I'm gone they will believe it is...

Awhile ago we sat in my room and you read from a book your grandfather had gave you. One word had stood out to me that night


A declaration of one's hope that they'll die before another person because of how unbearable it would be to live without them.

I know I could have never made it without you.

If I could describe our love in two words I'd say...it's complicated... It was messy and it wasn't all the time perfect and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Not everyone gets happy endings, but I got you and that was close enough for me.

...that's enough of the sappy goodbyes I guess.

I've loved and will always love you Olivia Jade. Thank you for showing me how to.

From now and even longer
I will always be yours,

Draco Malfoy"

Tears landed all over the pages as I read

"It's complicated..." I smiled closing the book as a few tears streamed down my face


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