"Anyone else?"

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A few days later (Olivia's funeral)

Draco's pov

That night...the night after we found her...I couldn't sleep

I stared at my ceiling

My mind made it seem like she was in the bathroom or sneaking into the kitchen to grab a snack

But she wasn't...she was gone

Not many people knew about Olivia's death

Everyone decided to keep it quiet for a little bit

Besides us...it's not like she had any family to care...that was the sad part

She had us...and that was all that mattered to her

I stood in front of my mirror

I can't even recognize myself

"You look handsome dear" I turned to see my mum softly smiling at me

"Thank you" i answered

She walked over to me

I hugged her

It's almost as I felt something

Then it hit me...she was gone

I rested my head into her shoulder and I cried
Narcissas pov

I knew when he wrapped his arms around me that he couldn't hold it in much longer

Draco's not the person to cry in front of people so I knew this really was taking a toll On him

I've came to his door side each night to check on him

And every night since she passed I heard his muffled sobs

I just held my dear boy

I could feel his pain...

He has struggled his whole life...finding 'friends' didn't come easy

Who would want to be friends with someone who had a death eater as a father?

Olivia gave him feel love...love like I've never seen

His face lit up when she walked in the room

Even hearing her name made him just smile

I missed her too

I've watched her grow...even if she had to forget who we were...I still got to hear about her from Draco

And now that she was here at the manor...she was just like a daughter to me

"I'm so sorry.." I whispered to him

He continued to cry

After a few more minutes

The crying ceased

He raised up

His cheeks were red and his eyes were a bit swollen

He turned to see himself in the mirror

"This doesn't seem real...it can't be real Mum" he sniffed

"I know dear...I know" I rested my head on his shoulder
Draco's pov

After i calmed myself down I went upstairs to join everyone

"I can't believe Olivia is gone and We have to still find Finn" Kade said

"I know...and We will! I promise" Henry replied

I walked into the crowded room

Everyone smiled softly welcoming me

Everyone has had a rough couple of days

I haven't seen one person make it through the day without a breakdown

We were having her funeral at the hillside...the one we use to play at as kids

We all made our way there

Once we reached it....the view was beautiful

..The set up was beautiful..

She looked beautiful....

Service started and everyone stood up sharing stories about her and how much they would miss her

After everyone told a story...I was the only one left...I dreaded it so much

"Anyone else?" The preacher said

I slowly stood up

Everyone looked back at me

"Um..." I hesitated

"As you all know...I was close to Olivia...she tried everything she could to change me...I'm not the easiest person to get along with..." everyone chuckled softly

"But she knew there was hope...who would've known she would've captured every piece of me...I never knew what my purpose in life was...I guess I still don't...but part of it was loving Olivia Jade...I always pictured I'd spend forever with her...but forever hadn't even started...there will never be a night I don't wait up for her to come to bed or a morning where I don't wake up to her smiling face...I guess We were all born with broken hearts, and until we find the other half...we'll always be broken...Olivia was my other half...she mended me the first time we met...and even now...my half will always belong to her"

I came back to myself once the sound of Everyone clapping filled the air

Some were crying and smiling, other were just crying

I softly smiled and sat down

I'm not sure what I even said...I just let everything out

It all came from my heart though
After the funeral

"You do plan on staying awhile right?" I heard mum talking to hermione and Ginny

"We definitely will mumsy...as long as you and Draco need us" Ginny responded

I walked over to them

"That was a beautiful eulogy draco...she loved you so much" Ginny cried and then hugged me

"She would have loved to hear that...you made her truly happy" hermione smiled

I just softly smiled

I couldn't help but feel anger build up

I hated to hear the past tense of Olivia

I wanted her to be alive

I left and went to my room...I didn't plan on leaving for awhile
Authors note:

Add the snap for updates and info!!


I kinda want an edit for my story...so if you know how to do that...send it to me on snap!! Thank you!!❤️❤️

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