"Did you miss me?"

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Olivia's pov:

The next day we all spent the day finally back together, Narcissa and myself broke down a few times...we couldn't believe Draco he came back to us...A true miracle

"So what now?" I rolled over and asked

He placed his hand on my face and rubbed his thumb over my cheek softly. I put my hand on top of his and smiled.

I missed this. More than anyone can miss anything...

"I missed you so much Olivia." He whispered as his eyes drifted across my face

"I missed you too draco...so badly" I kissed him softly

"No I truly missed you...there's no one else like you in this world. No one with your laugh, that smile, those eyes, your heart....you've flipped me upside down...there's no one I need more than you...actually there's no one I want but you"

He always knows the right things to say....his voice alone could run chills over my body....His arms were wrapped around my waist holding our bodies close...I never want to leave

"I love you so much" I crawled onto of him

He cocked his eyebrow and smirked

"Don't get me started on this body Jade...Merlin's beard" he smirked

"Shut up" I smacked him and laughed

"Oh you wanna play like that huh?" He scoffed

He ran his fingers up to my waist, I busted out into laughter

"Draco stop! That tickles!" I screamed out

I fell off of him and back onto the bed shoving him

His laughter filled the room as he continued

"Say you're sorry liv!" He laughed


"Do it and I'll stop"

"Fine! I'm sorry"

"That's what I thought" he laughed and stopped

His laughter...genuine laughter....such a beautiful sound, so rare anymore.

He was straddled over me and we both realized it

"What time do we have to go down stairs?" He asked

"I usually go down and help cissy make breakfast around 9, why?"

He glanced to the clock on the desk

"No reason" he bent down and started kissing me


"What?" He smirked as he continued kissing down my neck

"You know we have to go" I laughed

"Not yet...we have about 10 minutes"

"Yeah there's no time-"

"Time me" he winked

"If we're late I'm blaming you" I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back

"If we're early..." he kissed me in between the sentences

"you owe me"

"Oh you're on malfoy" I groaned as he kissed further down my neck

He started to kiss and nip lower and lower, I wasn't sure if I wanted to win this bet or not...if losing meant more of this...I'll lose any day

"Should've made a bet on how quiet you can be" he breathed

"I'd win that one for sure" I felt him smirk against me

"You're all talk" I breathed

He ran his hand down my body to my upper thighs as I let out a small whimper

"You sure about that?" He scoffed watching me wither under his touch
"Well you two are a little early this morning" Narcissa walked into the kitchen

Draco placed his hand on my waist and pinched me letting me know he won

I rolled my eyes

"Just excited to cook for our guests this morning" i replied

"Well let's get started" she smiled
Everyone started to wake up one at a time. By the time breakfast was finished everyone was awake.

We all sat down to eat.

"how are we going about with with horcruxes?" I asked

"Well technically there's one more left...we're just not sure what it is yet" Harry replied

"So we'll all spread out and look" Kade added

"We've narrowed it down to two places, the ministry and....hogwarts" hermione mentioned

"Hogwarts?" Draco muttered

"Yes...seems off but, it's all we've got" Harry spoke up

Draco nodded

"When do we start?" Finn asked

"That's what I was going to ask you guys...tomorrow maybe?" Hermione proposed

Everyone agreed.

"Olivia will not be joining us" Draco muttered

"What? Yes I will" I scoffed

"No.." he faced me

"Yes I will be going, I need-"

"I said no! End of discussion!" He shouted and slammed his fists on the table

Everyone went silent

"Everyone here has risked their lives for us! The least you could do is let me help them!" I shouted back

He took a deep breath and swallowed

"I'm going" I demanded

"Who wants dessert?" Narcissa chuckled nervously

"Sounds lovely" Ron nodded

"I'll help" Kade stood from the table and followed her

"Yes...I'll help too" hermione joined them

The eye contact between draco and I didn't break

Once everyone left the table due to the tension draco spoke

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" he sneered

"Why do you have to be so selfish?"

"Selfish? Really?"

"Yes...you know how much everyone has risked for us and yet you want to make this about you" i snarled

"I just want you safe!"

"I will be safe!" I shouted

He looked to the ground

"I'll be with you...we can do this together draco"I grabbed his hand

"I can't take anyone with me...if the dark lord finds me, he'll know I betrayed him and he'll kill me immediately...along with anyone whose there with me"  he spoke

"You want get caught...it'll work out" I assured

"Let's end this together" I smirked

He nodded

"You all are gonna need some help" I heard a voice behind us

We both faced the doorway...merlins beard

"Mia?" Draco hissed

"Did you miss me?" She winked
Authors note:

Sorry this is a little shorter, I wanted the search to be in a separate chapter.

Hope you all are enjoying!!

New chapter should be out tonight or tomorrow!🖤

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