"No promises"

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Olivias POV

I feel cold...why?

I open my eyes and look around

Where am I?

I look over to see Draco asleep in a chair next to me.

He looks exhausted

"Draco" I try saying his name it was low and raspy

"Draco" it was a little louder this time

It must have taken him by surprise...he jumped up looking around the room

"Draco what's going on?"

"Liv!" A smile appeared on his face

"Draco where are we?" I asked

"Well..something happened Olivia..." he stuck his hands in his pocket and looked down at his shoes

"Olivia why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He couldn't look at me

"Vasovagal syncope..." I whispered

"Yeah...the nurse told me...she said you've had it since you were a kid?" His voice was shaky

"Draco I didn't say anything because it hasn't effected me since I was a kid..." I grab his hand. He still wouldn't look at me.

"Draco look at me please"

He slowly made eye contact with me

His eyes were blood shot and puffy

Had he been crying because of me?

"There's nothing to worry about...I'm fine...I swear" I smiled at him

"You just about gave me a bloody heart attack liv" he smirked

"I'm sorry" I laughed

He laughed as well

"Come lay next to me" I patted the spot next to me in the bed

"I don't know...I'd probably accidentally push you out" he chuckled

"I might push you out...but it won't be an accident" I joked

He smiled and climbed on the bed

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close

We laid in silence for a little bit

"So how did you find out...about your sickness?" He asked

"Well after my grandpa died...I started having nightmares which led to night terrors. And eventually I started having panic attacks because of the night terrors. And then I started passing out due to the amount of stress my body was put in..sometimes I would be out for a minute or so...sometimes I'd be out for an hour or so...So with everything that piled up in my life that year...I went to the doctor and the said I had  vasovagal syncope"  I took a deep breath

"Wow...I'm sorry liv...I had no idea..." he wasn't sure what to say

"I'm just surprised it's back...How long was I out?" I asked

He took a deep breath...and didn't say anything

"Draco?" I raised up and looked at him

"A...a week" I could tell he didn't want to tell me

"Wait...what?" I didn't know what to think

I had never been out that long...I started feeling sick about how scared him and my friends must've been

"Liv it's okay...the nurse said you're doing great and there should be nothing to worry about" he said comforting me

"Thank you" I told him snuggling up to him to warm up

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