"I'll never leave"

461 19 4

Olivia's POV:

Two months later:

1:00 am

I'd been staying in Finn's room...sometimes he'd stay in mine. I told Narcissa that nothing was happening, I just felt safer...she agreed.

It's been so much easier with Finn here, I think he feels the void for Cissy too. Every night we've all stayed up and talked for hours around the fireplace. It seems as if he's helping us heal faster.

I woke up in the middle of the night, I thought about going back to my room. I just didn't want to wake him. I looked over to Finn, he looked so peaceful.

I heard the boards shift across the room. I scanned the room to see what the sound was.

I seen a shadow move in the bathroom. I jumped up and pulled the covers with me.

Someone was here...

"Hello?" I whispered


They just stood there...maybe it was just a shadow, my mind was just messing with me.

"Bug? You okay?" Finn's voice was raspy and deep as he yawned

"Yeah I'm fine..." I still watched the shadow

"Do...do you see that?" I pointed towards the closet

"See what?"

"There's a shadow...I think I seen it move"

He got up and walked towards the bathroom

"See there's nothing" he chuckled and stood in the darkness

The door shut.

"Finn?" I felt my heart jump into my throat

No answer

"FinnLee Jacobs! Answer me right now!" I went over to the door and banged on it

"Boo!" He opened the door and jumped out

I let out a small Yelp and smacked him

"You're an idiot!" I shoved him

"You should've seen your face" he propped himself on the door frame laughing

"I hate you" I rolled my eyes and went back to the bed

He walked back over to the couch and laid down laughing still

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep" I threw a pillow at him and laughed

"Sorry" he chuckled softly

The room went silent

"...okay it was kinda funny" I busted out into laughter

He rolled back over and started to laugh again
4:30 am  (Finn's POV)

"Wake up"

I fluttered my eyes open to see Kade looking down at me

"What's wrong?"

"Sh!" She pointed to Olivia laying peacefully on the bed asleep

"We need to talk"

I nodded and followed her outside

We walked down the halls and into the dining room and she busted through the doors

"Look who I caught lurking through the manor last night" she scoffed

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