"What is wrong with you?"

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(Play song while reading the whole chapter or play when you see "play song" in the story!!!)

Once we were standing outside the door to enter the ball...my stomach felt sick...I was so nervous

I had looked forward to this ball since I was a kid

Everyone would stare at whoever walked in, and it doesn't help we were all a little late

The group walked in

I didn't, I stayed in front of the door too nervous to go in

"Jade are you okay?" Cedric turned me towards him

"Yeah...yeah...I'm fine...just a little nervous" I chuckled nervously

"It's okay...I got you.." he smiled then intertwined his hand in mine

I smiled back at him, Draco can calm me down more than anyone...but he wasn't here...he probably wouldn't be here even if he could

I took a deep breath

"Okay let's go" I gripped his hand

He pushed open the doors and everyone looked at us immediately

Gasps and whispering began as we walked in

My eyes scanned the room for Draco...I couldn't find him

Suddenly I felt someone staring, of course lots of people were but....this stare was the only one that made a chill run down my spine

I looked over to the corner of the room where Draco and Pansy stood talking to their friends.

He wasn't happy.

But wow...he looked so...


Draco's POV:

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Draco's POV:

The door opened and closed with people coming in and out

It was quite annoying if you ask me

"Oh my! They...they look great together" Pansy stuttered...I could tell it slipped out...after seeing who it was

I looked over and seen Olivia, her dress...wow

It fit her perfectly...it looked perfect

Everything about her....was perfect

"Man I never realized how hot Jade is" Blaise chuckled punching Goyle's arm...he agreed

"Shut up...don't ever talk about her like she's a object" I didn't realize I had practically lunged over the table to him

"Woah...sorry mate...I didn't know you...you...knew her?" Blaise lifted his hands up

"They're just friends!" Pansy looked at me and winked. She saved the secret I almost revealed

I sat back down and looked over at olivia again

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