"my new challenge."

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I walked into my room and shut the door.

Who knewDraco could make me feel this way?

If I thought about it too hard...I'd be sick

I just stood in front of my door fiddling with my ring.


"Olivia?" Hermione looked up rubbing her eyes

"Where have you been?" She whispered


I couldn't tell her, she'd kill me on the spot

"Oh I just went to see if they had any left over snacks....I'm starving" I giggled

"Oh...well you better get to bed, we have class early" she laid her head back down

That was close.

I stood in front of our mirror and inspected my outfit.

It's just my school uniform but I grabbed one of Hermione's white undershirts.

It fit tighter so I could show off my curves more.

"You ready?" Hermione groaned

"Yes ma'am" I smiled

"Well someone had a good night last night"

"What happened!?" She asked

"First what happened with Ron?" I was trying to change the subject.

"Well...He kissed me "

"Merlins beard! Hermione this is great!" I hugged her

"I guess you and Harry were right...there might be a little something there" she chuckled

I was kinda nervous going into breakfast after last night. Not only with draco but...I completely went MIA with Cedric.

We finally walked in and met with Ron and Harry and began talking.

"So Harry anything happen with Ginny?" I smirked

"Yeah Harry?" Ron sneered

"Um...nothing Ron...why would you ask" he laughed nervously while poking at his food with his fork.

He looked up and winked at me.

I knew something happened. He was smiling since we first seen him.

"Well what about you Olivia? Someone said they actually seen you with Malfoy" Ron scoffed

"Malfoy?" Harry asked

"Please don't say that's the reason you were late coming in last night Olivia?" Hermione covered her mouth

"No. No of course not..." I laughed

"I hung out with Cedric. That's all"

"What about Cedric" I seen a hand come behind me and prop up on the table

"Oh hey Ced" I stood up to greet him

"Good morning sunshine" he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"what a gentleman" I smirked

"I had a lot of fun at the party last night ced, sorry I had to leave...I felt sick" I stuttered

Hoping he didn't notice that super obvious lie.

"Oh it's okay...maybe you could make it up to me sometime"

"I'd like that" a smile grew on my face

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