"One year"

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We camped in the large wooded area for awhile, we moved every night to ensure we wouldn't get caught. I'm not sure how long we've been gone, it's been a few months I'm sure.

An owl appeared to us with a note and a bag

"I have labeled out the places you will need to go to make it back to us without getting caught. The large uproar of your death has settled. Voldemort and jaxon has moved to Merlin knows where after you "passed". You will be safe as long as you follow what Kade and I had mapped out for you. Be safe.


Finn took out a map from the bag and looked over it

"Merlin...hermione sent this stupid thing...I have no idea how to read it" he looked confused

"Give it" I grabbed it

"Here" I pointed

"We're in the muggle world" I scoffed

"Wait really?" Finn said excitedly

"Yeah" I chuckled

"It looks like a few miles from here should be where we have to go...she drew a line for us to follow" I looked around

"There" Finn pointed

"Let's go" I grabbed the rest of the bags and we started to walk

"So How'd you do it?" I asked him

"Well, after Olivia found me and helped me escape...I knew the only person smart enough to help us would be Hermione and my sister. They informed me of a spell they had learned in dada, hermione said it would help me apparate us fast without anyone noticing, which also leaves behind a 'clone' which made everyone think you died. Which is apparently what Jaxon did to make everyone think Olivia died when he kidnapped her." He explained

"I've never heard of that" I sighed

"Yeah I guess it's pretty rare and not used much...it's pretty much impossible to pull off"

"But we did it" he chuckled

We walked for a few hours when we finally reached a house secluded by itself

There was a note on the door

"D and F,

The house is covered in magic, only you two will be able to see it

We have sent Henry and Blaise to stay at the house until you arrived. He will know exactly what to do.


I knocked on the door and we waited

The door opened and Henry stood there.

He pulled Finn into a hug

"I thought we lost you bub, I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner" Henry wept

"I'm okay, I promise" Finn assured him

"It's good to see you boys, we've been worried...come in"

We walked into the house and sat our bags down

"How long have we been gone?" I asked

He stopped and looked down to the floor

"About a year" he sighed

"A year?" Finn shouted

Henry nodded

"We thought it'd be sooner but after you death, the whole wizard world went crazy"

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