"Liv a little.."

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(Yes it's spelled wrong...you'll see why)

"Draco where are we going?" I whispered

It seemed like we had been walking forever and if anyone caught us out this late...we'd get suspended

"Not much further" he replied

We walked up the stairs.

"Okay we're here" he chuckled breathlessly

The door was shut so I was unsure what was on the other side. I didn't really know where anything was besides my classes.


"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" I sighed

Just then he opened the door leading me inside.

my mouth hit the floor.

"The astronomy tower?" I was amazed

"Yeah, do you like it?" He asked

"I'd always heard about it, I'd never seen it before. I'm not even taking astronomy class until next year" I was astonished

"Well better be thankful...if we get caught...I'm dead Jade" he scoffed

"I knew this moment wouldn't last long" I rolled my eyes

"It's gorgeous up here, I feel like I'm on top of the world" I chuckled

"Well you're technically just on top of Hogwarts....but I thought you would enjoy actually looking out and not just through a ridiculous window all the time" he said crossing his arms and leaning back on the door

How does he know I watched out the windows?

"Draco...." I start walking towards him

"What?" He avoided eye contact

"Why did you bring me here?" I cocked my eyebrow

"Well because I knew you'd never been rich enough to see a view like this" he scoffed

"Draco...I know that's not why you brought me...you said we had to talk, why?"

He stood in silence.

His hands in his pocket, looking at the ground.

"Oh come on...just say it" I laughed

"Liv...you don't get it...you never will" he walked over to the ledge

"talk to me...and maybe I will"

He didn't answer.

"Draco. Please"

"I hate you Jade." He turned around looking at me.

"what did I say that made you cry that night in detention? And why you kissed me?" He spat

"Why your eyes are the perfect shade of blue and green, like a field of bell flowers. " he placed a piece of hair behind my ear

"Why does your nose scrunch up when you laugh?Why you have that dumb grin on your face when you're looking at the night sky? Why can I barley focus in class because your smile is all I see?." He stood inches from my face

"Why when I look at you I seen...I seen someone just as broken as I was. Someone who understands what it's like to lose everything." I seen his eyes tear up as he turned around and walked back to the ledge so I wouldn't see them fall.

"Why you make it so hard for me to hate you..Merlin Liv...I just want to hate you" he looked at the floor and scoffed

"...I've never been able to hate you" he finally said

I could tell he hated his self for feeling this way. I wish he didn't. I had always felt the same way about him.

I grab his arm and turned him around.

"Draco Malfoy...does have a heart" I chuckled

He smiled faintly

"I wish I hated you too" i cupped his face

And I kissed him, He pulled me closer; Even though We couldn't get any closer.

I needed him as much as he needed me. I wasn't sure why, but we were connected.

Both broken.

Maybe our broken pieces mended together just right.

We finally pulled apart and I noticed it was raining.

"Come with me. I have to show you something" I chuckled.

I knew after tonight he would hate himself and we probably wouldn't speak again.

But for now...we were vulnerable.. why not put it to good use?

I grabbed his hand and ran out the door.

I took him to the door that lead outside

"What are we doing here?" Draco asked

I opened the door

"We're going out in the rain" I laughed

"Liv you're crazy...We'll get struck by lightning or something" he blurted

"Cmon Draco...liv a little" I winked

"see what I did there"

"You're an idiot" he smirked

Without hesitation I pulled him outside

"I'm gonna kill you for this, ya know"

"Shut up and dance with me malfoy" I laughed and grabbed his hand

He looked at me with his soaked hair hanging over his face gave me a soft kiss

Then he grabbed my waist and we started to dance.

I'm not sure how long we were there but it didn't matter. We both knew how much we needed this. We needed each other.

Even if we'd hate each other by morning.

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