"I don't believe it..."

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We walked into Jaxon's room

"Why are you so quiet?" He asked as he was about to close the door

"It's nothing" I smiled and sat on the edge of the bed

"It's him isn't it" his knuckles turned white as they gripped to doorknob

"Who?" I scoffed

"Malfoy" he slammed the door

He stormed over towards me and his hand was around my throat

"What? No! No, I just don't feel very good today Jax" I smiled cupping his face

"You better not ever! EVER! Speak one word of malfoy!" He sneered through his teeth

I just looked at him

"Do you hear me!?" He shouted

"Yes!" I yelled back shoving him

I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door

I slid down the wall as Tears fell down my face

Why did I do this to myself?

How could I have loved him?

A few moments later I heard a knock at the door


I kept quiet

"Olivia...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it, you know i love you...it's just...I don't want you to love someone else" Jaxon said softly

I didn't answer

I have nothing to say to him
The next day

I can out of the bathroom last night and made him sleep on the couch

We were both up getting dressed

Jaxon had to go with his father to attend meetings today

I put on a simple dress that zipped up

It took me forever to zip it up

"Here let me" Jaxon walked over and started to zip it

After he zipped it I turned to face him

He kissed my forehead

"I truly love you Olivia Jade" he smiled softly

"I love you too" I smiled then kissed him

Jaxon is often mistreated so I try not to take much out on him.

I mean look at his father, he has to be this way...he doesn't know how else to be.

"I'm going to miss you" I wrapped my arms around him laying my head on his chest

"I'll miss you as well. It's just for today, I'll be home this evening" he placed his hand on the back of my head

He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs

"It's about time Jaxon!" The dark lord yelled

He stormed towards us both

"I suppose it's your fault!" The dark lord drew his hand back

Jaxon pushed me back and stood in front of me

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