"Tell me you're joking?"

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Finn's POV:

I woke up that next morning with Olivia wrapped in my arms

I seen her messy hair lay perfectly over her face, she was beautiful.

I had always loved Olivia...as a sister of course

Here recently I can't help but think of her as more

That just maybe...we could be more than friends

I know she's with draco...sorta

I would never try and take her from him...he's had so many things taken away from him, including Olivia.

I got to spend my childhood with her, while he had to watch from a far.

It was sad honestly

I wanted him to have his time with her

Even if it did cause me a great deal of pain seeing them together.

It's almost as if they both needed each other to survive

I didn't realize I was watching her until she was looking up at me smiling.
Olivia's POV:

My heart fluttered at the sight, he made me feel so warm

I wanted him.

And Draco

how is it possible to want two guys the same amount

I want to spend time laughing and being happy with Finn but I can't be with Finn without thinking about Draco

I can't think about kissing Finn without thinking about Draco

Everything goes back to Draco.

But now I'm here with Finn and somethings different

Do I truly belong with draco if I have these feelings about Finn?

I can't be thinking of this right now...we're all in grave danger because of me...I have plenty of things to worry about besides Draco and Finn.

"Good morning sleepy" Finn said in his raspy morning voice then kissed my forehead

"Good morning" I smiled

"Are you hungry?" He asked

"Just a bit" I replied

"Let's go eat, I'm sure mumsy has fixed something" he got up out of bed

We both got dressed

"I'll go first and then you come out after me...that way it doesn't look suspicious" Finn smirked

"Okay" I chuckled

He slipped out the door

I waited a few minutes, I spent time looking around his room.

There were pictures of us as kids, everything was so simple then...I want to go back

I figured it was time to go so I peaked out the door

I heard some noise coming from the dinning room so I figured everyone was already waiting to eat

I slipped out the door

Turning around to shut it quietly

When I turned back around I ran smack into someone's chest

I knew exactly who it was

I looked up at his face

It was pure shock

I could almost feel his heart shatter seeing me come out of Finn's room

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