"The rumors."

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(Play song while reading or wait until it says in the story:)

Present day (Olivia's POV)

"So are you guys like friends now or?" I asked

Draco and the group looked at each other

"Well-" hermione said

"Absolutely not" Draco interrupted

"Hm...that's not what it seemed like when you asked us to come over to the manor for Christmas break now does it malfoy" Ginny chuckled

"...Only to protect liv of course!" He defended himself

"Hm" Ginny rolled her eyes

We all laughed

"Wait. I'll be here for Christmas? So why would they go to the manor?" I questioned

"Oh yeah...about that..." Draco knelt in front of my grabbing my hands

My heart flutters every time he touches me or even looks at me

"I've made arrangements...for you to stay with me...at the manor...if that's okay?" He smirked


I was excited I'm not gonna lie

"Yeah...that's sounds...good" I smiled

"Great!" He patted my knee and sat back down

"So do we know why Voldemort wants Olivia?" Harry asked

"I'm not sure...yet..." Draco replied

"Yet?" Ron said

"That's why I've been going home every weekend just about...they've had 'meetings'...so I'll get the details soon" Draco finished

"So what now?" Ginny added

"...we wait" Draco fiddled with his rings

The room went silent

"Well I guess we all better head to bed! It's getting late!" Hermione broke the silence

"Yeah you're right" I stood up

"Olivia you're staying in dracos room through the week and with us through the weekends..." Ginny said

"What? Why can't I just stay in my own room?" I asked

"Well if something were to happen and you stayed in that room...you'd be an easy find.." Harry said

"Let me guess...that was your idea?" I sneered at Draco

He winked at me

"How will I even get into the slytherin common room without you?" I asked

"Well...Blaise and Pansy know about everything...they'll be prepared to let you in at all times" draco answered

"Now let's go" he held out his hand

I put my hand in his

"Thank you guys ...for all of this...for protecting me" I gave them a soft smile

"No problem Olivia...we wouldn't know what we'd do without you" Ginny replied for all of them

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