"You got yourself a deal..."

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We finally reach the classroom.

"We will be separated into partners at your tables, you will have this partner for the rest of the year." Professor Snape stated

Assuming we could pick our partners Hermione and I started walking to a table close to the front.

"Ahh not so fast Jade and Granger, I will be picking your partners" Snape scoffed

"Ugh of course he is" I rolled my eyes

"I heard that Mrs Jade, detention after dinner" snape objected

"Great Jade, your first day of potions class and you're already a bad influence" I turned to meet eyes with Cedric.

"You best keep your distance Ced, I heard it can spread pretty fast" I coughed towards him.

"I knew I should've brought hand sanitizer" he laughed 

"Okay, Mrs. Granger and Mr. Zabini, Up front" Snape started to announce the partners. I had just hoped it'd be with someone I was comfortable with.

"Mrs. Jade and...."

"Ah late to class I see?" We all turn towards the door as none other than Draco Malfoy waltz in with a smirk on his face.

"Well that's detention after dinner Malfoy And you're seated with Mrs. Jade this year" snape pointed to the table in the back left corner of the room.

No. No. No

"Of course my partner is Draco...why wouldn't it be?" I scoffed to Harry

"I mean it seems pretty basic, the girl being paired with the cocky rich kid...who suspected that one?Snape should know better." Harry teased

this is how my year starts out. Not only that, but I also have to spend detention with the slim ball.

I sit down at our table and just open my book and pretend to read.

After snape finished assigning seats, he starts the lesson. Draco remained surprisingly quiet during class...it was quite suspicious he hadn't taunted me once.

"Looks like we're spending Detention together" i jokingly say

He just looks at me disgusted and shifts his eyes back to snape

Well....that was awkward.

Our class had ended and Draco was already out the door.

I walked out of the classroom to meet up with the group.

"So I see who Snape's got you paired with Olivia" Ron scoffed

They hated malfoy. Don't get me wrong I did too. There was just something about him that had me interested sometimes.

"Yeah tell me about it" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm convinced he's incapable of love" Hermione joked

"Ahh he's not too bad,  I'm sure he just has some family things going on" I assumed

I wasn't really sure why draco acted the way he did, I did know his dad though, that would be a probable reason.

"Well if you think there's hope for him...then I have a challenge for you Jade" Ron chuckled then whispered to Harry

"Cmon Ron , it's bad enough she has to be his partner in potions" Harry laughed.

"What is it Ron?" I said giggling. Not sure just how vile Ron's challenge would be.

"Okay, okay....Olivia....we think if you can make Draco Malfoy fall in love with you by the end of the year, then..." he thought a bit.

"Then.... Harry will give you the seekers spot on the quidditch team next year"  Hermione blurted

"Oh cmon Hermione! Really? That takes lots of practice" Harry objected

"Well you know how bad Olivia has wanted to be on the quidditch team Harry, plus do you really believe she can take Malfoy, the most miserable person ever and And make him love?..." she teased

"That's true Harry" Ron joked

"Fine I guess you're right" Harry agreed

"So what's it gonna be?" Ron smirked

"Oh....you got yourself a deal Ronald Weasley" I said confidently.

We grabbed hands and shook on it.

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