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Olivia's POV:

"Okay we're ready" Harry and Ginny walked through the dinning room doors and sat down everyone's bags

We all gathered in the dinning room before parting ways.

"We thought it might be better to travel in small groups besides doubles" Ginny announced

"Olivia, Draco, Finn, and Mia will go to the ministry...you'll also have to search the sourounding area as well" Hermione read from the list

We nodded

"Kade and Henry...with Blaise and Pansy"

"Pansy?" I interrupted

Pansy walked through the door

"Sorry I'm late" she looked over at me and winked

I smiled back, it felt good to have everyone together...I just wish it was under better circumstances

"They will join hermione, Ron, Ginny, and I at hogwarts...it'll be a lot bigger to search" Harry continued

We all agreed going in groups would help with extra protection...but it can also make it easier to get caught

"Everyone is to keep in contact some way" Hermione mentioned

"Like a code?"  Kade  asked

Everyone was taking amongst themselves.

"Goldfinch" Draco shouted through the noise


"A goldfinch, we have many in the garden...very loyal birds" Narcissa nodded to draco

"They can be used as a signal for danger or a warning just in case" Draco added

"Yes, Thats Brilliant" Harry agreed

"How long do you think we'll be looking?" Pansy asked

"Could be a few days...maybe weeks" Harry answered

She nodded

"How do we know what we're looking for?" I asked

"Well we have a feeling it can be a living vessel, all the others have been objects...so we think he's switched it up a bit" hermione answered

"Okay...everyone pack up, we'll be leaving soon"
Everyone packed their bags, each groups received a small cage with a goldfinch in each.

Ginny and hermione came to say goodbye before their group left

"Be safe" Ginny hugged me

"Same to you guys, we'll see each other soon" I promised, we hugged and they each used the floo powder to disappear

Ron was the last of the group to leave, he stood in the fireplace and nodded at me

"Hogwarts" Ron said firmly and disappeared

"Looks like we're next" Pansy walked towards Draco and I

"Look at you two...I made this happen" she bragged

We laughed

"Thank you for everything" I hugged her

"We're having a huge party when everything is done" she laughed

"Oh for sure" Draco added

"I'll see you all soon" she winked and walked to the fireplace

"See ya mate" Blaise smiled and turned

Draco pulled him back into a firm hug, the fact that anyone of us could die by this search makes the goodbyes so much harder.

I looked over to Kade and Henry hugging Finn...they'd been apart for so long and now they have to separate again.

They all left.

Draco and I were the last to go

Narcissa pulled him into a hug

"Keep him safe" she cried

"I promise" I wiped a tear from my face and she hugged me

"Keep her safe" she told Draco

"I promise" he smiled And wiped a tear from his eyes

"Ready to go?" Draco cupped my face

"Yeah" I wiped my tears away once more and smiled
We appeared in a wooded area along with Mia and Finn

"Where are we draco?" I asked

"Sh" he whispered and waited


"We're right outside the ministry.... 5 miles away technically" he whispered

"Mia...is there any hints Jaxon might have given?" I asked

She thought for a second

"No...I'm not sure" she replied

"Maybe he's talked about people close to his father"

She thought again

"There's many people close to him, I'm guessing Harry is right...checking hogwarts and the ministry will be our best bet"

"I can get us in easily...Jaxon made sure I was well known to all death eaters. You all will need disguises.. poly juice potion will be likely" Mia added

"Well let's get walking" Finn spoke

"Finn wait!" Draco yelled

Before Finn processed it a rope appeared and wrapped around his neck. He was pulling at the rope to release the pressure

"Finn!" I screamed and ran towards him, Mia caught up next to me and tried to help take off the rope...it was too tight

Draco shouted a spell and the rope fell off as he bent over on the ground gasping

"Are you okay?" I patted his back over and over

"Yeah" he coughed

"The ministry has traps set up everywhere...that's why I tried to stop you" Draco bent down next to us

We heard a noise coming from the opposite direction

"Run" Draco whispered

We all got up and ran. The sound of spells casted around us. Draco and Finn were behind Mia and I casting spells back at them. It seemed like we ran the whole five miles about.

"Okay we should be good here" Draco breathed

"What was that?" Mia tried catching her breath

"The ministry has protection wards...not real wizards, kinda like invisible robots if you will" he laughed

"We'll camp here tonight" Draco threw down his bag

"I'll start cast protection spells" Finn grabbed his wand from his inside pocket

"I'll go with him, you two set up camp if you don't mind" Draco asked

We nodded

"This is gonna take awhile" I chuckled pulling the tents out of the bags

Mia laughed as well

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