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(PicCreds: @ Dracosboo145)


It was hard to tell how long it took the goldfinch to get here...what begun? And how long has it been going on?

I stumbled into the tent trying to catch my breathe.

"Draco" I cried out

He laid rolled over in the bed still asleep

"Draco! Get up!" I shouted while shaking him

"Olivia! What's wrong?!" He said jumping out of the bed

I couldn't say anything I just handed him the note. His eyes scanned the parchment franticly.

"We need to go now" he demanded

He started grabbing things around the tent, stuffing them into bags

"Go wake Mia. I'll wake Finn and Jaxon. We'll only grab whats necessary then we need to leave" he ordered

I left and went to the other tent
Once everyone was packed up and ready, Draco whispered a spell on our bag

"What's that?" Mia asked

"Port key...everyone grab it" Draco informed

We all hesitated then our hands touched the bag at once. A large flash of white and a tug shot us into the forbidden forest.

I gasped and covered my mouth once I seen black smoke ascending from Hogwarts.


"You stay here with Mia...we'll go find everyone and the horcrux" his voice sounded distant

"No! we have to help fight" I pulled away

He looked over to everyone else and sighed

"Let's go" he demanded

We all pulled out our wands and marched up to the castle.

My stomach was churning when we got closer, smelling of burnt rubber and woodsmoke. The sounds were unexplainable, screaming and pleading coming from every area.

A few death eaters came from hidden spots as Draco spat spells causing them to drop dead immediately.

"As much as We hate to, We need to split up" Finn shouted over the noise

We nodded and divided

I walked through the main doors, spells flying left and right....followed by familiar faces.

Neville Longbottom.

"Neville!" I ran towards him

"Olivia watch out!" He said as a spell flew passed my head

He grabbed me ducking us behind a large wooden table.

"Have you seen them?"

"Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione went up stairs a little bit ago...I'm not sure about the rest" he looked nervously over the table

"Thank you" I hugged him

"Be safe!" He yelled as I made my way to the staircase

They could be anywhere upstairs, the downfall about Hogwarts was how many rooms it was split
Up into

"Olivia!" I heard from the top of the stairs

I looked up and seen Blaise and Pansy running towards me

Once we reunited they pulled me into a nearby room

"What happened?"

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