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(Thank you for the edits!! I love them❤️)

Olivia's POV:

I can remember things...just a few things

Jaxon told me it's due to a type of magic that was placed upon me a long time ago...I can remember things from when I was a kid.

I remember my grandfather.

He once gave me a book he got at an old antique store in Japan.

It was called "beautifully untranslated words"

And a few days ago when that mysterious boy in the dark suit and platinum blonde hair came into my view...It's almost as if our eyes had met before.

I recall one word from the book that described the feeling of when our eyes came in contact


The wordless, meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to do so

Jaxon never told me about him...

I couldn't even recall his name

"Draco malfoy" Jaxon scoffed

"Why do you want to know about him? Did he touch you?" He stood up and walked towards me angrily

"No! No! I just wasn't sure" I softly smiled To give him comfort

"Good" he cupped my face and kissed my forehead

Jaxon told me he had to oblivate me because I had became disobedient to the dark lord

I'm not sure what I had done...he didn't say

But I understand he did what he had to do

I had asked Him what I was like and important things I should remember from my past

He said we grew up together and we started dating a few years ago.

I feel bad that I don't remember him...his touch is like a stranger...


Why did he seem so familiar?

I don't want to keep thinking about it because I love Jaxon.

That's what he had told me anyway...I'm obviously suppose to, we'd been together for years
Draco's POV:

After the meeting I had went straight back to hogwarts and gathered everyone and brought them back to the manor

Everyone was so happy to hear she was still alive...but the fear that we all felt sudden over came the joy...we wasn't sure how to get her back

They'd all still been on the look out for Finn..he's been gone for a few weeks now

He was like my brother...my heart broke to know he could be dead

I know Olivia meant so much to him as well and he protected her when I couldn't

"So what do we do now?" Harry asked

"Well...this weekend is the rescheduled ball since mum had to cancel the Christmas one...we thought Jaxon would bring Olivia there...we're sending out letters today" I said

"What about us?" Ginny asked

"Yeah as soon and Voldemort and his followers sees us...we're done" hermione added

"Well that's where I come in dear..." mum smiled

She held up masquerade masks

"It's a masquerade ball?!" Kade asked

"Yes dear" mum smirked

"That's bloody brilliant mumsy!" Blaise interrupted

"Now...no one is to take off these masks...the lights will be dimmed so you all should be pretty well disguised." Mum finished passing them out to the group

It was a great plan...if we can pull it off
Olivia's POV:

Today Jaxon and I went out to the garden and took a walk

"Are you starting to feel more at home dear?" He slipped his hand into mine as we walked

"Yeah" I smiled up at him

"Good" he smiled back

The garden was so beautiful

The sun reflects off it so perfectly

We sat down at a bench that over looked the mountains

We sat in silence for a little bit

"Do you love me?" I looked at him

"Why would you even ask that?" he scoffed

"Sorry...I was just wondering" I chuckled

We sat for a little bit longer, letting the sun settle on our skin

"Yes.." he softly replied

My stomach felt like tiny butterflies

I smiled to myself

"The moment I first met you, I knew I wanted you" he smiled placing his hand on my thigh

"How did we meet?" I asked laying my head on his arm

"I already told you" he laughed

"I mean you told me we met as kids...but I want to hear the story" I smirked

"Well...I was about 13 I think. Our parents were friends and we use to attend each other's parties. We never talked that much, I guess I just felt a connection to you somehow" he stopped
Jaxons POV:

That was the truth.

It seems I lied to her so much here recently, it was hard to tell what was the truth anymore

I knew she had to be the one I marry someday...I have to

Just in the passed few days she's changed me completely.

I do love her.
Olivia's POV:

"That's sweet" I smiled

"Oh shut up" he scoffed and then got up

He doesn't handle cute romantic things very well

"Let's go" he said pulling me up

We walked in silence back to the manor
Authors note:

Soooo sorry this is so short!!!

I will definitely start writing longer ones!!

I just needed a fuller for now!

Hope you all enjoy:)))

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