"You came back to me"

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"Finn what are you doing here?" I ran towards him and hugged him

"They tricked me bug..." he looked down at the ground

"Wait...how are you here?" His looked confused

"What do you mean?" I laughed

"I live here"

I seen his smile disappear

"No...there's no way" he said to himself

"Finn? What's wrong?"

"How do you know me?" He asked

"We grew up together?" I laughed

"Finn you're scaring me"

"They reversed the obliviation spell" he said to himself again

"FinnLee Jacobs! Tell me what is going on!"

"Do you know draco malfoy?" We made eye contact

"I mean I know of him...Jaxon knows him more I think why?" I replied

"We have to get out of here...now!" His face turned cold
The day of the ball:

Draco's pov:

We all spent that morning putting up decorations and making sure everything was absolutely perfect

"Draco?" Ginny walked in

"Hmm?" I said trying to hang up some lights

"What's the actual plan?" She asked

I had a plan...but when everyone hears it...I know they'd try to stop me.

I climbed down from the ladder

"Let me go to my room...I have something I need for you to give Olivia tonight" I responded

"Oh...okay" she seemed confused

"Masquerade ball?" Jaxon looked up at me

"Yeah...I think it'd be fun for us to go out and do something...just the two of us" I smiled

"I don't know Olivia...it's tonight...I don't even have anything for us to wear" he stood up walking a way

"I got us some things!" I jumped off the bed and ran towards him

"Please Jaxon." I grabbed his hand

"...you truly want to go?" He said

"Yes" I sighed

He hesitated...I could tell he was thinking

"Okay Fine" he smiled down at me

"Yay! Thank you!!" I kissed him

He chuckled

"You're welcome dummy" he rolled his eyes

I left the room and went back to where Finn was

"I hope this works Finn" I said

"Me too" he chuckled

I handed him the potion and he drunk it
Ginnys POV:

"Here" Draco said handing me a small book

"What's this?" I asked

"She'll know...just give it to her just in case something happens." He said

"Wait...what's going to happen draco?" I asked

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