"We can fight this"

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It's been a few weeks to a month since that evening by the pond

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It's been a few weeks to a month since that evening by the pond

Things with draco are going good.

He's been really distant though

I'm not sure why...

He's been going home almost every weekend and won't tell me why

I respect his privacy...I'm sure it's a family thing

Come to think of it...lots of people had been acting weird...even in potions, snape will barely even acknowledge me.

Dumbledore stared at me...like into my soul...kinda creepy
Great Hall- 8:30 am

"Ugh I'm exhausted" Ron rubbed his eyes

"Yeah me too" I agreed

Hermione nodded

Harry just sit...looking at his plate.

"Harry? You okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder

"Oh...yeah....I'm..I'm great" he chuckled nervously while zoning back into reality

I could tell something was wrong...there was something he wasn't telling us.

We all got quiet and just picked at our food

Something was off
Later that day

I hadn't heard from the group all day...it's like they've been avoiding me

I walked into the common room to them in a huddle whispering

As soon as I walked in they looked at me and the room filled with silence

"Whats wrong?" I chuckled

They all looked at each other

"Nothing! How was your day?" Hermione interrupted the silence

"....good I guess" there was something they wasn't telling me....why?

"Oh that's good" Ron looked suspiciously around the room

"Well let's get ready for bed!" Hermione grabbed my arm pulling me upstairs

"No!" I jerked away from her

"Why is everyone avoiding me? Why is everyone acting so weird around me? First Draco, then Snape and dumbledore, the whole bloody Gryffindor house, and now you guys!" I shouted

They stood in silence and looked at each other

"Tell me!" My fists clenched

I seen Ginny run down the stairs into the common room

"What's going on?" She looked concerned

"They're about to tell me why everyone is avoiding me" I spat

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