"Find him"

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Where is he? It feels like I've looked for hours..I know the amount of hate he has for me now, surpasses whatever he felt for me last night.

I can't say I blame him

I messed up...

Class time was growing closer...maybe he'd be there

I walked into class and avoided my friends completely.

I set down hoping draco would show up

I had a pit in my stomach...I was scared to face him after what happened

He never came.
When class was over I left immediately.

"Olivia!" I heard Hermione yell

I just continued to walk away

I couldn't even look at her right now...I couldn't look at any of them.

I made it to the common room, luckily Ginny was there.

"Is everything okay? Did you find him?" She anxiously asked

"No.." I sighed

I felt tears start to form

"Aw, j...I'm so sorry...it'll work out I promise" she hugged me

I couldn't hold back anymore...I fell to the ground and cried

Ginny sat right next me and held me

"Olivia.." I heard a soft voice

"I talked to her j...don't worry...she knows" Ginny hugged me tighter

I knew it was Hermione

She came over and joined Ginny hugging me

We just sat in the floor...they held me while I cried...everything that built up...was released.

It felt like an hour passed by when I looked up

"Are you okay Olivia? I'm sorry...I was stupid...and it was so rude of us to put you in that situation...we should've never-"

"Hermione it's okay..." I gave her a weak smile

I knew she was sorry...they would never purposely hurt anyone...even draco

"Is it okay for us to come in now?" I heard a voice along with knocking

"Yeah come in guys" Hermione shouted

"...Ron and Harry... they've been waiting awhile...I told them they needed to stay outside until I knew you were okay" Hermione chuckled

They walked in very hesitant

Once they seen me...and my puffy red eyes

They both grabbed me at the same time and hugged me

"Olivia..we never meant to make you feel bad" Harry stuttered

"Yeah...even if you did fall for malfoy" Ron sounded sincere

Hermione punched him

"What he means.... is...we're sorry Olivia...it doesn't matter who you like...we will support you and be here"

We all laughed after processing everything

"How'd you tell them about this mess?" I asked Ginny

"I kinda just spilt everything Pansy has told me" she laughed

"It broke our hearts, I would've never known what he's actually been through...it's so sad" Hermione shook her head

I was a loss for words

"I have to find him and explain everything" I told them

"We'll help" Ron added

"he can't know you guys know about his past..he'll think I told you and he'll never trust me...I'll take care of it..." I gave them a soft smile.

"Well I seen him in the library about and hour ago...If that helps" Harry said

"Okay...I'll head there now...thank you guys again" I left

I hope I can find him.

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