"I hate you..."

876 37 2

(Start and listen now!!)

He continued running down the hall...pulling me along with him

"Draco stop! Let me go" I started hitting him

He stopped...looked at me...then picked me up throwing me over his shoulder

"Draco!!!" I was punching his back

I had no idea where he was taking me

I heard a door open...the sound of rain fled the hall


"And?" He laughed putting me down

"Liv a little" he winked

"Really?" I crossed my arms

He held out his hand

"Please...trust me" he smirked

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand

I took a deep breath before stepping out into the rain

We started to run as soon as the rain hit our skin

I knew where he was taking me

We finally reached the beautiful tree I had caught him sitting at the other day

He stopped and looked at me

"Why are you doing this?" I looked up at him

"Because" he cupped my face

I grabbed his hand and pulled it off

"You can't just do this...you can't just go off and call me rude things and make me feel worthless...and expect for me just to fall at my feet when you want me...when it's convenient.." I felt tears stream down my face...disguised by the rain

"What you think this is easy for me? I want to love you! I just...can't" he turned around and started to pace slowly

The rain was soaking us both...but we didn't mind.

Everything that has built up over these last few months...possibly years is coming to the surface

"Why can't you? I'm not good enough for the perfect 'Draco Malfoy'? Is that it? Or I seen how you pulled me out of the ball because everyone was staring...the thought of people seeing us together embarrasses you" I yelled

"No!! No!! That's not it and you know that liv!" He stormed towards me

"Then what is it? Please enlighten me because I don't have a clue" I started to hitting and shoving him

He just stood there taking all of the hits

"Seeing you with diggory tonight and everyday...made me realize...how good he can treat you. He can give you a life I will never be able to provide.....I will never be good enough for you!" He shouted

"No! No he can't! Can't you see? I've told you I wanted you...only you...it's like I'm not the one good enough for you. You promised you wouldn't do this draco...please" I felt my eyes begin to water again, my stomach felt like an endless pit

He cupped my face and wiped my tears

"You are way too good..can't you see liv...I want you more than anything in this world..."

"Then why are you pushing me away?" I shouted

Why was he doing this there has to be a reason?

He didn't say anything

"You lied to me! You promised me! I hate you! I hate you draco malfoy! I never want to see your face again!" I kept shouting continuing to hit him again

I felt my breath getting short...my chest felt so heavy

My arms and legs felt tingly

My vision was getting blurry

"Olivia calm down please!! Stop! Please calm down!" He was shouting

I fell to the ground and he fell down as well....he held me while I cried...he ran his fingers through my hair to calm me down

"I love you...I'm sorry..." he whispered in my ear over and over

It was a panic attack...

(Switch to this for a better experience)

He started to hum in my ear...the sound itself made my heart flutter

I felt my heart rate become softer and my body quick shaking.

I just laid in his arms crying and listening to him calm me down.

He was my safe place

My parents had never found a way to calm me down...my panic attacks would last up to an hour when I was younger...this one was only a few minutes.
Draco's pov:

She looked up at me with her puffy eyes and red cheeks

She was beautiful...I had caused her so much pain...I just want to be worthy of her love.
Olivia's pov:

I slowly raised up And looked at him

Before I had to say it...

"Even longer..." he smiled and kissed my forehead

I smiled back...

I felt exhausted after my panic attack...it really takes a toll on me...the first one I've had since I was 13

"I'm sorry" I cupped him face

"For what?" He gently grabbed my hand and kissed it

"Everything...I'm a mess..." I chuckled

"We both are...I guess that's how we work...I don't want it any other way" he smiled
Authors note!!

Ahhh I had this chapter typed and saved for so long lol

I hope you guys liked this wholesome chapter!

Also shout of to @ Mc_luvin (I think that's the username lol) for the votes!!! I appreciate it!

Press the star!!!

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