"It's bound to happen"

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(This is so cute! Love these edits guys🖤)

Draco's POV:

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon

"They barely know us and yet they treat us like we're their children, muggles aren't that bad" Blaise scoffed

They were very kind people.

We all followed the smell to the kitchen

"This smells amazing, monica" Henry complimented

"Why thank you" she smiled placing the food on the table

"Reminds me of home...I miss it" I replied

"You'll get to go home soon, I promise" Monica's smile reminded me of my mum...I missed her so much

We all sat down to eat, the food was delicious.

"Looks like you just got another letter" Monica walked in handing it to me


With the recent findings from Olivia, we'll need Finn to return home for a few days. Just to assure Olivia nothing is happening. We sent some floo powder in the bag, it should bring him straight here.

Miss you all dearly,


"What's it say?" Finn asked

I was happy he gets to return home, I felt jealous as well.

"They want you to come home for a few days...so Olivia isn't suspicious" I laid the letter on the table

Everyone went silent

"I can't, I have to stay with you" Finn bucked

"No! You must! Any suspicion from Olivia could be a danger to us all" Henry spat

"Draco...say the word mate, I won't go" Finn looked to me

"No, you need too. Please go...my mum and Olivia needs you" I assured him

He nodded

"Here" I handed him the bag

"I'll be back soon" he said grabbing the floo powder

"We're gonna miss you" Blaise added

We said our last goodbyes and Finn pulled out the floo powder

"Malfoy manor!" He threw the powder and disappeared

"Keep them safe" I whispered
Olivia's POV:

I heard a loud noise come from the living room

I rose from my bed and ran to Narcissa room

She wasn't there.

"Narcissa!?" I shouted running through the halls

"In here dear! There's a surprise for you!" She shouted

I walked into the living room and there stood Finn

"Bug!" He ran towards me picking me up and hugging me

It's been a little over a year since I'd seen him...he seemed a lot stronger than before

"I've missed you so much!" I hugged him tighter

"I've missed you too" he said in almost a whisper and hugged me a bit longer

"What's wrong?" I pulled away slowly

"Nothing, it's so good to see everyone!" He smiled

It was fake.

"We missed you dear" cissy pulled him into a hug

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