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*the girls have the same outfit as they did in the last chapter... Karlee's outfit is getting posted right as you read this😉*


*about 30 minutes into the flight to Dallas!!*

The person came on the speaker and told us we were aloud to use our electronics now. Jack pulled out his vlog camera and he turned it on.

"So the guys and I are on the plane for Magcon in Dallas, Texas." Jack started. "I think Magcon will be really fun, getting to perform and dance and meet you guys just sounds like a really fun time so I'm excited." He smiled his cheeky smile. He snapped the camera toward me and I covered the lens with my hand. "Stoooop!" Jack laughed.

"No! I look like shit!" I whisper yelled.

"You look fine. You look beautiful as always." I removed my hand from the camera and Jack leaned over to kiss me. He closed the gap between us and then put down his camera.

"Jack, I'm sorry for totally freaking out the other day." I whispered after he pulled away.

"It's fine." He rested his hand on my thigh and I became all tingly.

"Okay... I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry." I kissed his jaw line and he smiled. (His jaw line could slice my pizza)

Jack put the arm rest up between us and I laid up on his chest. I listened to the rhythm of his heart beat and his breathing pattern. Eventually, mine matched and we snuggled the whole 3 hours to Texas.


Nash was making snapchat videos of me glued to my phone. I was on vine and I was stalking Nash... AMIRITE LADIES?!

I laughed at a few vines and then noticed one in particular that I really liked. It was one of him and me at home and he was straightening my hair. I was laughing and he had a huge grin in his face.

"I didn't know you vined this." I showed Nash the short video and he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. That was the day you kept burning your hand, so I did it for you." Nash was such a good boyfrie- "and I did way better." He added. I smacked his chest. He grabbed it and pretended to be hurt.

I giggled and stood up, "I'll be right back." I really had to pee.

I walked down the small isle and made my way to the restroom. I tried to open it and it was locked. Well shit.

The little door unlocked and Taylor opened the door. I smiled and he returned the grin. We just awkwardly stood there for a good minute and a half.

My hands motioned him to go past so I could get in and he grabbed my arm and pulled me in. The fuck you doin man?

Taylor held my arm in one hand and then shut and locked the door with the other.

"Taylor?" I laughed a little. "What are you doing?" I asked... A little more confused. At this moment, I didn't have to pee anymore.

"Shhhhh." He whispered.

Taylor grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. He connected his lips to mine and it was very aggressive. I immediately kiss back and I grip his neck with both hands.

"Jump." Taylor breathed.

I obeyed and jumped onto Taylor's waist. Tay kissed me roughly once more and I could feel the excitement build in his pants.

I was sat on the sink/counter thing, and Taylor began to rip off my clothes. I was left in my bra and underwear as he kissed my neck and I let out soft, quiet moans. I didn't want to stop but yet it was probably the best idea.

"Taylor, stop." I told him. He didn't, almost as if he didn't even hear me. "Taylor." I said a little more like a moan. He gripped my ass and I grabbed the back of his hair.

"Taylor... We can't do this." I motioned him back a little bit.

"Don't act like you don't want it." He looked down at the tent in his pants. I really did want it... But Nash was literally down 4 seats. He is definitely bound to hear something. Or someone else would hear us.

Tay pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned stomach. I ran my hands down his body and he threw his head back.

My hands traveled from his neck to his chest, then to his stomach, and then to his belt buckle.

Taylor had a giant grin on his face and I continued. Eventually, he was left in nothing but his boxers. I outlined the tent he has created in his pants and he let out a low moan.

"I can't wait anymore." Taylor groaned as he shook out of his boxers and tore off my undergarments. (Someone's eager😂)

"Holy shit." I whispered... he was huge. He laughed and got a grip on my waist.

This was a lot for me I guess. I mean, we almost had sex at the condo and this is something I was waiting for. I wanted to know what it would've been like. Probably better than being in an airplane bathroom but I mean, what can you do?

Taylor quickly entered me and I let out a whispery moan. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I pulled on the back of his hair. Tay let out a few groans here and there but we had to be quiet, so that was expected.

"Oh god, Taylor." He started going faster and harder.

"I'm close, Lace." He breathed.

"Me too." I bit my lip to keep in my moans.

Right before I reached my high, I felt a shaking and I opened my eyes.

"Lacey, you have to wake up, we're here." Nash said.

I looked around and I was sitting in my seat. Everyone else was getting their things and I looked back at Nash.

"How long was I out? I don't even remember going to sleep." I asked him.

"You fell asleep a little bit after we took off."

"Oh." Is all I said to him.

It was a dream.

But why was it about Taylor?

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