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I left the doorstep in shock. Lindsay's mom was Rylee's sister. Rylee was Lindsay's aunt.

I got in my car and sped off down the street. I don't even know why this made me mad... Was I mad? No. I honestly don't know.

I hate how everything I do, leads back to Lindsay. Everything I say, reminds me of Lindsay. Everything I hear, makes me think of Lindsay.

Nobody understands my problems. I try to forget about her but this is why I can't. Everything is about her. I'm tired of it. I need to let go of her. I want to be done doing this back and forth game. This is stupid. And it's finally clicking why nobody wants to hang out with me. I need to find another girl.

The drive home was a little awkward for me. I pulled into the driveway and stomped into the house.

"Ayyyyyyye! Guys!" I yelled in the house so everyone could hear me.

"What?" Sam yells from upstairs. I heard Lindsay calling him back in. Jesus.

"Yeah, what's up man?" The rest of the guys were down in the basement doing something.

"Who wants to go clubbing?" I yelled to both floors.

All of a sudden, I heard footsteps race up the stairs and Sammy coming down. Get yo ass back up to yo gurl son.

"Are you for real?" Johnson asked. I nodded.

"Wait, for real man?" Cameron asked as well. My head nodded again.

"Old Matt is back?" Carter questioned.

"Old Matt is definitely back, bro." I smiled and they all cheered.
Sorry for the really short chapter but ayyyyeeee

Christmas is in 1 day!!

I found my parents stash of my presents today... I kinda went through it and screamed when I found the present I wanted for the longest time.


And then in about a week and a half, we have that bitch coming called 2015.

I honestly don't think 2015 will be as the best year because it just doesn't sound right. Like, say it out loud:

Two thousand fifteen.
20 15
Nope. Doesn't sound right.

2014 is so far my favorite year and I hope it stays my favorite because I love it so much. 2014 holds my best and favorite memories of my lifeeeee!!!!

🎅make sure you ring a jingle bell when you slay over a hoe hoe hoe🎅
🎄Happy Holidays🎄
✖️Pottorffsbaeee says byeee✖️

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