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I walked into the pantry and put the box of cheez-its back on the shelf where I found them before. Karlee walked into the kitchen and sat her things down. I began to walk out of the room but Karlee stops me.

"Taylor?" Karlee asked.


"I just wanted to talk." She said. "Like, what did you do today? Or why didn't you go to the gym? Or why was Lacey only wearing a sweatshirt?" Karlee was beginning to be very skeptical and it made me uncomfortable. I began to think about Lacey in just that sweatshirt...

I felt an awkward growth in my pants and I casually put my hands together in front of my boner that I've had for the second time today.

"Is that a bruise?" Karlee pointed to my neck.

"I-uh..." I covered the hickey with my hand. "I was carrying a shelf and I- uh- dropped it on my neck." I said slowly. "Then I got a bruise." I explained, a little more comfortable with my explanation.

"Mmm... K." Karlee said, a little unsure. Right after she finished talking, Lacey began coming up the stairs with all of her clothes on. She smiled at me and winked before she turned the corner to the kitchen. "I want to talk to the both of you."

Lacey sat at the table and I sat a few seats down. Karlee stood at the end of the table and looked at both of us.

"So, what's going on here?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Lacey asked her.

"I mean, why the hell are you cheating on Nash with Taylor?" Karlee yelled.

"Don't go accusing me of things I didn't do!" Lacey yelled back.


"Karlee, listen, Lacey isn't like that. Trust me, I made a move and she denied. Nothing happened." I reassured her. Lacey sucked her teeth and looked out the window.

"Whatever." Karlee turned and walked over to the sink. Lacey and I took a breath of relief. "One last question. Why are your lips swollen?" My eyes widen and Lacey put her face in her hands. "Gotcha." She whispered.

"Oh my god, listen, I'm talking to Nash tonight. Please. Don't say anything." Lacey begged Karlee.

"Whatever." Karlee walked out of the kitchen and to her and Gilinsky's room.
Sorry for the short chapter... I know I suck😷

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