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Lacey told me to loosen up but I didn't want to. Something about this place just scared the shit out of me and I didn't want to be here.

I turned the carousel on and I kinda became more calm. It was fun to watch everything spin. I quickly climbed on and I chose a Tiger. Because why the hell not?

I went in a few circles and I noticed that Lacey wasn't on yet. I jumped off and walked to the side she was supposed to be.

"Well get on." Taylor told her. I waved and he smirked back.

"Taylor... Uh... How did you know we were here?" She stuttered.

"Who passes an abandoned amusement park and doesn't come in?" Lacey turned and looked at me with the 'see' face. I rolled my eyes and got back on my Tiger.


I seriously did not expect to see Taylor. I honestly didn't want to even talk about him because of the thoughts I've had. Even though I already cheated on Nash, I can't take any chances because of my hormones.

"Can I join y'all's 'girls night'?" He asked. I laughed and nodded.

Taylor climbed up on the ride and slightly rubbed against me as he passed to get on a unicorn. He is literally 7.

I walked around the two as the ride spun in circles.

"Jesus, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back after I find the bathroom." Rylee squealed and ran off.

Shit. I was left alone with him.

I awkwardly continued my walk around the glass animals. I tried not to look at Taylor but my urge to grab him and eat his face was getting stronger.

"She's taking forever." Taylor said quickly. I'm guessing to break the silence.

"Yeah." I quickly answered.

"Listen, we need to talk."


"Well, it seems since the night at the duplex, you just didn't want to talk to me anymore. You've been really distant. I understand we were never close friends but we talked every once in awhile. I didn't talk to you at all during magcon. Not even on the plane." He spilled. I guess I have been very distant from him. I didn't want to mess up anything.

"I don't know. It's just... Nash and I... It's not the same and I don't know what happened. I thought he was the only guy for me and I didn't want to try something and then the moment we shared at the condo.. I just haven't really felt it with Nash and I don't want to mess up anything. I feel like if I didn't do that then I would still be fully in love with him." I took a breath after I was done talking.

"If you're not feeling anything with Nash, then why don't you break up with him? It's not like you have to leave and go back home." He was right. I should so that.

"It sounds slutty of me to say this, but, I want a guy in my life. I don't want to be alone." I put my head down and rubbed my temples as I sat on the horse beside Tay.

"Will you break things with Nash tonight?" Taylor asked me in his deep sexy voice. Ugh, I'm going to burn in the pits of hell.

"Yeah. I will."

"Then will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and stood up. I walked over to him and gripped his face in my hands. Our lips were connected and I felt everything that I wanted to. Everything that I didn't feel with Nash. Everything I did feel before.

"FREEZE!" I heard behind me. Taylor pulled away and I turned to see the police officer.

The carousel kept spinning and Taylor climbed off his animal when we were on the opposite side.

"COME OUT SLOWLY WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" I began slowly walking but Taylor grabbed my arm and we bolted for the back exit.

I looked back and the officer started running after us. I better not get fucking tazed. Thank god my 7 years of volleyball and softball are coming in handy.

Finally, we reached a huge ass fence. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY WALLS IN THIS PARK? It had to be at least 10 foot. The policeman was a ways behind. 🍩It's the donuts🍩.

"We gotta jump for it." Taylor told me. I slowly nodded. He had upper body strength so he could easily just pull himself up but I on the other hand, had big fucking thighs for my lower body muscle.

Taylor jumped and got over. I ran and jumped and gripped the top. I finally pulled myself up and I sat at the top of the fence. I turned to see the officer stopped and had his gun drawn. Fuck.

"Stay where you are!" He yelled and walked to me. "Put your hands up!" I did as told and I looked down at Taylor. He motioned for me to come down and I shook my head. The officer started saying his thing that they say when they arrest people and blah blah blah.

"You are under arrest. Everything you say ca-"

I jumped. Taylor caught me in his arms and I giggled. He put me down and we started running down the street to the hotel. I looked off into the distance and saw Rylee. I sprinted to her and tried apologizing.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked.

"I left you in the park with a policeman who had a fucking pistol drawn!" I laughed.

"Oh. Well I went back to the hotel to pee and then I saw yall running down the street so I started walking back."

We all laughed and all of us made it back to our rooms.
I felt the need to have that picture up there.

Nobody got arrested but it still needs to be there bc Cam is hot af in that movie and yeah👌

K bye.

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