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Everything was going so slow.

Wheels screeching, screaming, glass breaking, air bags exploding was the only things you could hear.

I saw every move of every single object in the car.

The vehicles collided and the passenger side was hit first. My body whipped towards the drivers side but my leg got stuck underneath the glove box as the crushed car door pinned me. I screeched in pain and reached for my ripped bloody legs. The passenger air bag opened and my head slammed into the hard bag. I could feel blood drip down from my drowsy face.

Jack's head smacked against the glass window and it broke into little pieces. The car started to turn on to the driver side and I prayed to God that Jack had his seat belt on.

I heard a giant thud and it was the sound of a body hitting the outer layer of the car.

Our car flipped and was now sliding on the roof.

Gravity pulled my body down but my legs were still stuck.

"JACK!" I yelled when I saw him limp and dark red blood streaming from his head.

Window pieces flung everywhere and scratched me every once in awhile.

Finally the squealing came to an end and the everything stopped.

I couldn't put into words how much pain I was in. I looked around inside and I saw Jack with his eyes closed.

"Come on Gilinsky, wake up." I whimpered, drowning myself in tears.

He didn't even flinch. I reached over to him and tried to push him a little but I couldn't move otherwise my lower half drained in pain.

I started to cry even harder and then everything became really blurry. It wasn't the tears. I took deep breaths and finally my eyes closed and I started to drift off listening to the breeze and gravel.

Matt's Range Rover crashed into the passenger side of a Black SUV.

The whole scene happened so fast.

I screamed and glass shards went flying everywhere. Matt's airbag didn't go off in time and he went flying through the wind shield.

"MATT!" I cried. I tried to reach for him but my seat belt caught me. It flung me back and I hit my head once again.

His body crashed through the glass so swiftly. My breath was taken away as I watched more blood escape from him as he slid across the hood of the Range Rover and into the outer layer of the opposing vehicle.

I was now left alone in the speeding Rover. I felt a glass shard cut my head and blood started dripping from the cut. My head was pounding harder than ever and I can't describe anything right now.

Eventually the car came to a stop and I had a terrible headache. I slowly turned my head and looked around for a phone.

I saw Matt's iPhone on the floor and I reached down for it.

I quickly dialed 911.

After the call, I leaned back and closed my eyes.

I then started to hear whimpering and my eyes shot open. I looked a bit closer and recognized the person crying.

Oh my god, Karlee.

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