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Jack and I decided on a store and we were now walking to Hollister. When we got in there, the first thing that Jack complains about is the cologne they spray in the store.

"They need to realize that we don't need to buy their products, we can just step in the store for 5 minutes and leave smelling like a brand new pair of clothes." I said, giggling. Jack laughed with me.

Jack got a maroon striped tank and I got a swimsuit.

After the checkout, Jack took me into PacSun, which I didn't mind, since I can get clothes here as well. In here, we were stopped by some more fans but when we told them no pictures, they understood. That was nice of them.

The two of us ended up running into Lacey and Nash, like, literally. Nash crashed into a clothes rack and then fell on Jack. Lacey walked into the store and looked at the boys on the floor.

"Oh my god, you guys got away too?" I asked.

"Hell yeah we did." Lacey told me.

"All the girls wouldn't leave me alone after I said no to pictures and stuff. I tried being nice and then they just chased us away from the group. We came here, Taylor and Rylee went to Forever 21, and Matt and Johnson went to Urban Outfitters." Nash explained to us.

"So... Are we meeting up in the food court or is that a bad idea?" I asked the group.

"Well, just imagine, the girls that saw Jack, Nash, and the rest of the guys, probably tweeted about all of us being here and the mall. Before we know it, the place will be packed with thirsty 13 year old girls." Lacey said.

"Well, where are you guys headed next, then?" I asked Nash and Lacey.

"Well, it's our 2 year anniversary soon, so I was gonna take her on a date." Nash told us, smiling and throwing his arm around her waist.

"But in reality, he wants to take the fuck truck to pound town." Lacey smiled. "But he's not getting it yet." She added in.

"Well, that was a nice statement to say... In public." I told her.

"I don't care. It's the truth." We all laughed a little. We said our goodbyes and then Lacey and Nash crept out of PacSun.

"OH MY GOD, NASH!" A girl screamed. I laughed and Jack and I carried on with our shopping.


Nash and I ran out to my car. I started to drive to my condo that I had with the girls.

**NOTE: Dirty starts now btw**

I hop out of the car and run to Nash. I jump onto his waste and a full makeout session begins. He carried me into the house, with out breaking our connection.

I closed the door behind me and Nash set me down. We raced downstairs and went into my room. I took off my jacket and shoes, quickly, and Nash did the same.

I was pushed on the bed and I laid there, waiting for him to seductively wander around my body. Nash was my favorite in bed, so I already knew what to expect. Mainly the fact that he liked to be on top and he takes control of things.

Nash hovered above me and I stared into his twinkly blue eyes. With his hands on either side of me, he crawled on top of me. At first I put my hands on his face and played with the longer strands of hair he had. It was moments like this I found special. Then I said fuck it and grabbed his face and connected mine.

Nash took off my shirt, then my shorts. I was left in my lace underwear and bra.

"This isn't fair. Your completely dressed." I complained.

"Fine." He groaned. Nash slowly took off his shirt, and his basketball shorts. I could see his tent stick out of his basketball shorts.

I smiled and swiftly took off my under garments. I slid Nash's boxers down to his ankles and he brushed them off to the side. His hard on came up and I smiled.

When I laid back, he slid himself in me and I moaned of pleasure.

"Oh my god, Nash." I pleaded. He starts to grind on me, moving back and forth. Eventually, he started to go faster and harder. Nash groaned a few times.

I dug my nails into his back as he mumbled words that I couldn't understand.

"Oh my god, Rylee." Nash moaned. I looked at him and then pushed him off of me. I was so hurt right now.

"What?" I yelled. "ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH RYLEE?" My eyes were starting to water.

Nash stood there in silence. Then, we heard the front door open.

Yeahhhh... So that just happened.

It's my first dirty fanfic and this is awkward and funny to me. So I laugh about it and yeah.

Hope you enjoyed!
🎄Happy Holidays!🎄

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