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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. But trust me, I've got a few ideas and more updates coming soon.


My boyfriend broke up with me and then asked me out again the next day. And then two days later, we went roller skating and he broke up with me again.... IDEK WHY THO!

After I left, like 10 minutes, I got a text from my friend and it said that my boyfriend (I'm not naming names) asked out one of my friends and she said yes....

no joke, the 4 freckles she has on her face makes her face look uneven. and she has really small teeth so when she smiles, you see more gums than you do teeth.... like wtf. AND SHE CUSSES AFTER LIKE EVERY OTHER WORD!!!

For example:
"Fuckity fuck fuck fuck I fucking hate that god damn fucking retard bitch twat slut hoe that lives down the fucking street shit." 😂

I don't understand boy logic.
"I love you." I heard a faint voice.

"Aw Matt, I love you too." I said below a whisper. "Why aren't you talking to the nurses and doctors?"

"Because I don't want to go to jail. I want them to think something is wrong with me so I have to stay in here and then go home. They won't ask me about the accident if I can't talk." He spilled. I honestly couldn't believe the shit he was saying. This was completely insane.

"Wait, why would you go to jail?" I asked almost worried.

"Because, if the other passengers die then I'm charged with manslaughter. I didn't mean to crash the car." Tears started to brim Matt's eyes.

I went to hug him but he put his hand, that wasn't wrapped in a cast, up and lightly pushed me away.

"Matt, you wouldn't go to jail. The other passengers are alive. The other passengers are Karlee and Jack." His eyes went wide and I sighed.

A few minutes went by and nothing but the wind hitting the hospital window was heard throughout the boring white room.

"Matthew Espinosa." A nurse came in and said.

"Hi." He whispered.

"Oh my gosh! YOU CAN TALK!" She clapped. I rolled my eyes because she was talking to him like he was 2. Yes he can fucking talk. He's 17 you dumb biotch.

"Well good news," She started. "Your arm isn't actually broken, according to your doctors x-Ray reports, it was only a hairline fracture and it's not even bad. You just can't drive for the next week or so." I smiled and nodded.

"Anything else?" I asked her.

"Oh! And you can go home tomorrow after we run another test to make sure you don't have any type of concussion. You are very lucky Mr. Espinosa." I was so happy. Nothing could ruin this right now.

I laid in the very uncomfortable bed in silence. I've been staring at the same section of the tile ceiling for the last 15 minutes now and I'm still bored out of my fucking mind.

"Jack." I heard someone whisper. I looked over to see Bart. "Good, you're awake."

"Hey, Bart." I sighed and looked at the ceiling again.

"I'm so glad you're okay. Everyone was worried sick about you and Matt-"

"Matt?" I asked.

"Yeah... Matt Espinosa."

"Why? What's wrong with Matt?" I started to panic a little bit. What the hell was wrong with Matthew?

"You, Karlee, Rylee, and Matt. You guys were in the accident." Bart explained.

Are you kidding me right now? Out of all people, Bart had to tell me.



"Oh my god." I sighed and put my hands on my face in disbelief.

"It's okay. Everyone is okay. Rylee's fine. Karlee's fine. Matt's great. And you're great. Everyone is okay." Bart soothed me. I took a deep breath and calmed myself a bit.

"Jack Gilinsky?" A skinny nurse came in with a clip board and sat beside me. "You have a very small bump to the head from the force hitting your skull on the glass window, which is what's going to cause most of your headaches in the next week or so. But other than that, you are able to leave tonight or if you want to stay another night, then you can." She smiled and I nodded.

"We'll take him home tonight. You have a very busy day tomorrow." Bart smiled. The nurse nodded and left.

"What's tomorrow?" I asked once the door shut again.

"We are all flying out for Magcon Chicago." Bart laughed. "What else is there to do?"

"Do you not see me?" I asked. "I'm in a fucking hospital bed." I raised my voice. "Do you not see the problem here?" Jesus, Bart. What the hell man?

"Oooooooh c'mon, you'll be fine." He told me. I shook my head and laughed.

"You're pathetic." I spat.

"Excuse me? I am your boss."

"No, you're my fucking manager."

"Jack." Bart said sternly.

"I am going to one more magcon. After that, you will never see me on another magcon tour again." I whispered.

Bart got up and quietly walked out of the room. Ugh. Finally.

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