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I walked over to Lacey's room and knocked on the door slightly. She walked over and answered.

"Hey." She smiled. She was wearing short black spandex and a black sports bra. I couldn't help but stare. "My eyes are up here, Taylor." She laughed and I blushed. My name sounded so good coming out of her mouth. "What's up?" She asked, walking from the door and into her closet.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something." A giant grin was smeared on my face.

"And that would be about?" She questioned once more.

"How did you forgive Nash so quickly?" She stopped what she was doing and walked over to me. She sat next to me in her bed and looked at me. Her red hair was in a pony tail and the shorter hairs were cupping her face perfectly. Lacey's deep blue eyes started giving me goose bumps. She then began talking about him.

"Well, I believe in second chances. No matter how bad someone messes up, they deserve a second chance. I love Nash and he proved to me that there was still something there and that this was just a mistake. He promised it would never happen again and I believed him." Lacey shrugged. "Why? Do you want to get back with Rylee or something?" Lacey rolled her eyes as she said her name.

"You two aren't gonna make up, are you?" I chuckled.

"I don't think so." She smiled and got up. Ugh, her smile gave me butterflies.

"What if Nash messed up again?" I asked again.

"Taylor, are you trying to say something?" Lacey leaned up against the closet door frame and crossed her arms, looking at me confused.

"Well, no. I'm just saying, what if?" I crawled off Lacey's bed and with every word I spoke, I took another step closer to her.

"Well, then we're done." It's that simple." She mumbled, clearly uncomfortable at the thought. She turned back around and went into her walk in closet. She started looking through shirts that were hanging up.

I followed her, getting a little closer. Lacey's back was facing me and I stood inches from her toned body.

"Well, what if someone else made you change your mind about Nash completely?" I whispered, just barely touching her shoulders, and sliding my way down to her hips.

Her breathing began to change. "W-What are you doing?" She choked on her words.

"Listen, Lacey," I started. I moved my head down to her neck and kissed it gently.

"Taylor." She whispered, clearly not sure of what to do. I turned her around and our eyes met. "What are you doing?" She asked.

I moved my hands up to her face and started to pull her in. She rested her hands on my waist and she stood on her tippy toes as I began to lean down. Our lips connected and I swear, I felt sparks fly.

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