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*Lindsay's POV*

•at the movie theater•

I followed Matt to the movie theater and parked beside him. We both jumped out of our cars.

He ran over to me and threw his arm around my shoulders. I smiled and he noticed.

"What are you smiling about?" Matt questioned.

"Nothing." I jerked and he pulled his arm off of me.

"Oooh- you have a crush on me."

"Do not." I blushed.

"Then why did you come?"

"Why did you ask me to?"

"Alright, alright." He put his hands up. "I'll admit. I thought you were pretty cute and I wanted to take you out. I see you around a lot and maybe I want to say hi when I see you again. This time, I'll know who you are." He told me while turning a darker shade of red after each word.

"Aww." I cooed. I pinched Matt's cheek and continued walking to the cinema.

We walked in and he payed for our tickets. I crossed my arms and walked over with him to the snack bar.

We got popcorn and our drinks. Matt put his cash down on the counter and I slid it onto the floor. As he picked it up, I payed for our things. I understand the "gentleman" thing, but movie theaters are fucking expensive... I wanted to pay for something otherwise, I would feel terrible.

Matt walked down the hall and into the new American Sniper movie. I followed him to the back of the dark room, which liked because then no one can put their feet on my seat and little kids don't cry in my ear.

*middle of the movie*

There is almost an hour left of the movie and Matt put his arm around me again. I snuggled into him and awkwardly sat in an uncomfortable position.

I looked up at Matt and he stared back down at me. I didn't know exactly what to do so I just sat there; staring. Eventually Matthew started to lean in. I followed and our lips connected. Our lips moved in sync like they were made for each other.

I was stunned by this action. But I liked it. We pulled apart, I smiled as Matt had a cheekily grin plastered on his face.

Before we knew it, the movie was over. Matt threw away our trash and I grabbed his hand once he got back to me.

We walked out of the cinema in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a good silence. I wasn't exactly sure on why we didn't say anything but, I didn't know what to talk about and Matt looked nervous about something.

"I like you." Matt babbled.

"What?" I asked. It was kinda out of the blue and it caught me off guard.

"I like you... A lot." He repeated. "Like, A LOT A LOT." I blushed and looked down.

"I like you too." No I don't, I really like you.

Matt and I smiled and got into our cars. We drove our separate ways and I drove to a hotel nearby. There was no way I was going home to the wicked witch of the west. (It's a Dance Moms thing... You wouldn't understand)

*hotel things and doings*

NEXT WEEK {Friday}

For the last week, I've stayed in the hotel for 2 days and then I've slept in my car the rest of the time.

I wake up to my phone going off. I try to ignore it for the longest time but it won't stop ringing. I roll over and notice it was Matthew.

"Hey." I groggily answer.

"Hey, babe. Do you want to hang out with me and the other guys?" Babe. Hmmm. {Feels.}

"Uh, sure. What are we doing?"

"We're heading over to my grandparents and we're gonna be swimming and just mess around since they're gone for the weekend." He answered.

"Okay." I said a little hesitant.

"Okay. Well, see you when you get here." Matt hung up the phone and I mentally ripped my organs out of my body. If Matt has good taste in clothes, then he has good taste in who he hangs out with. THESE WILL BE HOT GUYS.

I reached in my backseat for my backpack, which carried most of my clothes, and grabbed my white and black striped bikini.

I threw my hair into a pony tail and looked into the rear ire mirror. I admired my hair for a second and then my eyes focused on my face. Ew. I looked away and put on my flip flops and my hater blockers. {big sunglasses}

I got settled into my car and texted Matt for the address. He responded and I was on my way to his grandparents place.

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