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*THIS BOOK IS CONFUSING ME SO IF YOURE LOST TOO THAN HIGH FIVE TO YOU BC IM FUCKING DONE WITH MY PATHETIC ASS WRITING. All my new content I'm putting out here is gonna be well thought out, well written, and revised and everything so no more confusion😂*
2 days later

I woke up to a lot of chattering in my room. I looked around and it was Bart, Rylee, Johnson, Nash, and Jack.

"Jack." I breathed out. He looked away from the group and smiled at me. He walked over and hugged me and I held on tight for a long time before letting go of his neck.

"Hey baby." He whispered to me as he pulled away.

"Hey." I smiled, looking into his deep brown eyes.

"Oh thank you, God." Nash emphasized as he put his hands together and raised them in the air. I laughed and gave him a dumb founded look. "It's 6am and we need to be in Chicago at 9:30. You're coming with us. Lego." Nash pointed to the door and started walking towards it.

"I can't. The doctors won't even consider releasing me until Thursday." I explained.

"It's only 4 days. What will happen here that won't happen there?" Rylee shrugged.

"Reminder: my thigh skin was ripped off, so you can see my muscles and nerve endings, about 5 days ago." I raised my eyebrows.

"Right." Rylee nodded.

Bart stood in the corner with his hand on his face. He looked out the window and shook his head. I felt bad. They wouldn't leave because I'm here. If only I didn't want my damn tacos.

Now I kinda want tacos.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when my nurse walked in with a clipboard in her hands.

"Karlee?" She asked and I nodded. "I guess this can be good and bad news, depending on how you take it, but anyway, I accidentally got the reports mixed up between you and another patient with similar injuries. I've been giving you both the opposite treatments but it's seemed to work great for you." She pointed out looking at my legs.

She's not wrong. My legs have healed faster than what I thought skin could do.

"You've actually been free to leave for the last day and a half... I am so sorry." She apologized.

"So I can like, walk around and I'm fine now?" She nodded. "And I can leave this place like, now?" Again, she nodded. "Sweet."

I looked over at Jack and he was smiling really hard.

"Let's go to Chicago." I smiled.

It's been 4 days since the whole Taylor incident and I honestly don't know what to think.

I've tried calling him but I don't know what to say so I hang up right after the first ring.

Obviously it's not that important to him if he hasn't tried calling me either sooo...

I was currently sitting in my car waiting for Nash to get out of the gas station he said we HAD to go to because they had his favorite candy or something. Quote on quote, "they don't serve me well at the airport."

alright Nash.

I looked down at my phone to see if I had any new notifications and I saw that Taylor tweeted something.

@taylorcaniff: throwin it back to the beach days with this cutie😋 *picture attachment*
{it's the picture above if you didn't know}

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