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"Wait, are you serious?" Cameron asked, getting up and running to the bathroom to clean himself up.

"YES WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" I said, rushing the cleaner boys out of the pickle, well I guess relish, room first.

We are in deep shit if we don't get there soon.


Jack and I stood inside the venue with the security guards. Bart got Jack to agree to stay for one more Magcon.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Jack.

"Maybe they're already backstage." He started walking towards the stage and I followed quickly behind him.

We checked everywhere and nobody, except Mahogany at her DJ stand, was in sight.

"Are they even here?" I asked him again.

"I don't know." He shook his head.

I could tell Jack was getting annoyed so I decided to leave him alone for a bit. We both know that he doesn't want to be here, the worst thing that needs to happen is him cause a scene and be mad at everyone and then just leave.

"Mahogany." I said from the back steps of the stage. I didn't want to be seen by any of the fans. Mahogany smiled at me and made her way over to me.

"What's up girly?" She pepped.

"Do you know where everyone is?" I asked her.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't they be back there?" She pointed to our rest area and I shook my head.

"Lacey was called to the merchandise line to help, Taylor is probably doing anything and everything possible so she doesn't have to be here, and Rylee was coming with all of the guys." I told her.

"Hmmm... I don't know. Jack is here, right?" I nodded in the response of her question. "Well, the fans are almost done piling in, if the guys don't get here in the next 5 minutes, I need to you open the show with me and Bart." I slowly nodded and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Hey, can you help with the merchandise line up in front of the venue?" One of the managers asked me.

"Uh... Sure." I walked from our backstage resting area, to the outraged front doors.

"LACEYYY!!!" Some of the fans screamed. I smiled and waved at the girls.

I made my way to the second counter and it had Matthew and Taylor merch on it.

"What would you like?" I asked a skinny brunette.

"Can I have Taylor's sweatshirt in a small and Matthew's shirt in a small?" She nervously asked and I handed her the two clothes in exchange for the money. The brunette turned to walk away but stopped herself. "Can I ask you something? It's kinda private, I guess, but I'm nosey and curious." She smiled.

"Sure." I motioned for her to come to the side of the counter and she did.

"So you and Nash broke up?" She asked. I chuckled at her question and looked down at my fingernails.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Are you with any of the other guys?"

I went to answer but a burst of screams roared through out the foyer. I looked to the doors and all the guys, Rylee, and...it... walked through the double frame. Security guards held off every fan that tried to touch them.

"Looks like I gotta go." I shrugged. I hugged her and skip-ran over to the group.


"Okay, so while some of you are performing, we're gonna have like a mini photoshoot back here." Our photographer, Alli, told us.

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