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The warm bed was heated by Matthew's body heat and I was really appreciating him until I heard the annoying tone of his phone alarm.

He slightly moved around and grabbed his phone off of the night stand , quickly turning off the alarm.

Today was Magcon Chicago Day 2 and I honestly did not want to go.

I love being with my friends, don't get me wrong, but with so many girls screaming and so much running from fans, it's just overwhelming and just flat out tiring in general.

Matthew placed his phone back on the night stand and he rolled over and wrapped his arm around my waist. I placed my hand over his and closed my eyes again.

"I don't want to get up from this." I could hear the smirk in Matt's groggy, morning voice. That's hot.

"Neither do I." I whispered back, not able to talk in my full toned voice because I was so tired.

He let out a really long sigh and got up anyway. He went into the bathroom and started the shower.

I rolled to my back and stared at the ceiling for awhile but then went on Matt's phone and hacked his snapchat.

I took a bunch of ugly selfies and posted them to his story.

After about 10 minutes of absolute silence, I got up out of the bed and stretched my arms and legs.

I looked around the room at everyone and noticed one too many people were in Sammy's bed. My feet dragged along as I made my way over to the foot of his bed to see Lacey all snuggled up into his chest. Sammy's arms were wrapped around her and made Lacey so close to him, that I'm actually surprised that she's comfortable like that.

Matthew finally got his ass out of the shower after I stopped beating on the bathroom door. I was currently begging him to let me in.

"Is everyone else up?" He asked from the bathroom.

"No. And that's why I don't want to be left out here." I whined, leaning up against the door. "Let me in, babe."

"Just wake everyone else up. We have an hour and a half before they have to be up there at the venue. Bart will be pissed if they're late again." He was right. It was our last Magcon for gods sake I mean, the least we could do is be on time.

My eyes traveled around the hotel room to find something to wake them up with. I smirked to myself, knowing the perfect idea.

(A/N: ik that this book is getting to the point to where it's getting more on a personal level with Lacey, but it will make more sense in the next book WHICH IS ONLY 10 CHAPTERS AWAY REMINDER!!!!! But trust me, all of the Matt lovers from the beginning of the story, the next book gets back to him👌🏼)

The sound of laughter and yelling coming from the guys, woke me up.

I opened my tired, heavy eyes and looked to see a sleeping Samuel Wilkinson in front of me. He was shirtless and lightly snoring. He looked like a little kid when he slept and I just wanted to kiss his face.

I could definitely get used to waking up to this.

I slightly got out of Sam's grip and turned over to my other side and scooted all the way back so I was still getting some warmth from him.

"Look who's awake." I squinted my eyes together to realize it was Nash. "Y'all are so cute when you sleep together." He cooed. I flipped him off and he laughed.

"Why are you covered in shampoo and coffee grits?" I asked.

"That's what this is?" I laughed at him. "Fuck Rylee and her stupid skills to wake people up."

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