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"Nash... I-I..." I was hesitant for my answer. "I can't do this to myself, babe." Damn... I said babe.

"Lacey! Please! I am begging you to take me back!" Nash pleaded. Tears were now streaming down his face.

"No." I cried. I shook my head as tears slid down my cheeks. Nash's face began to turn a little shade of red. He grabbed his shaggy hair and ran both hands through it, repeatedly.

He looked around the room and grabbed a picture of me and my dog that lived with my parents. He clenched the frame between his fingers and threw it at the wall above my head.

"NASH! What are you doing?" I screamed, I was now bawling. That was the last picture I had of her before she got sick. "Nash, you know that picture was the last one I had of Journey!" Journey, was my German Shepard.

He didn't answer. Nash grabbed a few more pictures and broke them as well. He knocked over my lamp, shattered pictures, threw his phone across the room, and then he sat down and gripped his hair once more. I could tell he was hurting. But, it was his fault. He did this to himself.

"I-I just miss you! Okay?" He said. I sat on my bed and watched him starting to tear up. "Even though it's only been two days, I miss your laugh, I miss your smile, I miss talking to you, I miss kissing you, I miss hugging you, I miss cuddling with you, I miss you." Nash whimpered. (If you thought of the Hannah Montana song then you had an amazing child hood😂👌) "The only thing I'm asking for is a second chance." He whispered.

I climbed off of my bed and sat beside him. He sniffled a few times and wiped his eyes. He looked at me and I smiled.

"Your eyes are pretty." I told him. They were crystal blue. He laughed at me which caused me to giggle.

We stared at each other for awhile and it turned into a staring contest. Finally, I blinked and he smirked. I looked down at his lips and then back up to his eyes. I started to lean in and he did the same.

Our lips connected and it felt like it was the first time in forever. {LIKE THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVERRRRRR} My hands rested on his face and our kiss deepened. Nash pulled me on to his lap and I straddled his waste.

"Lacey," Nash started. I kissed him one last time and then looked at him. "Do I get another chance?" He asked. My eyes traveled his face, looking at every inch of him. I did miss him. I did love him.


Sorry I changed this chapter... I didn't really like it😁😁

But I feel this is a little better. No more psycho nash😂

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For next chapter!!

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